Dr. Asaf Sharabi

    קורות חיים

    Dr. Asaf Sharabi is a senior lecturer in the School of Behavioral Sciences at the Peres Academic Center and an adjunct lecturer at Bar Ilan University. He obtained his doctorate in social anthropology in 2010 from Bar Ilan University. His research interests include anthropology and sociology of religion, ritual healing, anthropology of gods, anthropology of Hinduism, and anthropology of Judaism. He has done ethnographic fieldwork in both Israel and India (Western Himalayas). In 2021, his research “Gods and Goddesses in the Western Himalayas – a comparative ethnographic research” won a research grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF). In 2023, his book The Biography of a God: Mahasu in the Himalayas was published by the University of Amsterdam Press.



    Sharabi, Asaf. 2023. The Biography of a God: Mahasu in the Himalayas. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals

    1. Sharabi, Asaf. 2022. A Male Ethnographer’s Perspective on Sexual Harassment in Fieldwork: a Research Note. Qualitative Research 22 (2): 328-344.
    2. Sharabi, Asaf. 2021. The Politics of Madness and Spirit Possession in Northern India. Medical Anthropology 40 (2): 182-195.
    3. Sharabi, Asaf and Ruchi Ramesh. 2020. Karma and Covid-19: The Case of Deities in Himachal Pradesh. Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 27 (1):183-194
    4. Sharabi, Asaf. 2020. Omniscient Gods and Precision and Intent in Rituals: The Case of Orthodox Judaism. Journal of Contemporary Religion 35 (2): 307-322.
    5. Sharabi, Asaf. 2019. Is it God speaking? Agency of Deities in the Western Himalaya. Anthropological Forum 29 (4): 356–373.
    6. Guzmen-Carmeli, Shlomo and Asaf Sharabi. 2019. Textual Healing: Tailor-Made Kabbalistic Therapeutics in Jerusalem. Anthropology and Medicine 26 (2): 244-258.
    7. Sharabi, Asaf and Hagar Shalev. 2018. Charismatic Mediumship and Traditional Priesthood: Power Relations in a Religious Field. Religion 48 (2): 198-214.
    8. Shalev, Hagar and Asaf Sharabi. 2018. Sanskritization of the Upper Castes: The Case of Mahāsū Followers. Anthropos, 113 (1), 258–267.
    9. Sharabi, Asaf and Hagar Shalev. 2016. From Ruler to Healer: Changes in Religious Experience in the Western Himalayas. Himalaya 36 (2): 22-35.
    10. Sharabi, Asaf. 2015. Religion and Modernity: Religious Revival Movement in Israel. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 44 (2): 223-248.
    11. Sharabi, Asaf. 2014. Deep Healing: Ritual Healing in the Teshuvah Movement. Anthropology and Medicine 21 (3): 277-289.
    12. Sharabi, Asaf. 2014. Soft religion and Rigid Religion: The Case of the Teshuvah Movement in Israel. Iyunim Bitkumat Israel. 434-460 (Hebrew)
    13. Guzmen-Carmeli, Shlomo and Asaf Sharabi. 2014, The Holy Contract: the social contract of the Toldos Aharon Hasidic dynasty. Social Compass 61 (3): 290-390.
    14. Sharabi, Asaf. 2013. 'Boundary Work' in Religious Revival Movements: The Case of the 'Teshuva Movement' in Israel. Ethnography 14 (2): 233-254.
    15. Sharabi, Asaf. 2013. Zikui Harabim: The Capitalist Logic in the Religious Revival Movement in Israel. Israeli Sociology 14 (2): 391-412. (Hebrew)
    16. Sharabi, Asaf and Shlomo Guzmen-Carmeli. 2013. The Teshuva Bargain: Ritual Healing Performances at Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak's rallies. Journal of Ritual Studies 27 (2): 97-110.
    17. Sharabi, Asaf. 2012. 'Teshuvah Baskets' in the Israeli Teshuvah Market. Culture and Religion, 13 (3): 273-293.


    Book Chapters

    1. Sharabi, Asaf. Forthcoming. Goddesses and Indian women. In Women in 21st Century, edited by Ruchi Ramesh. New Delhi: Gaurav Book Centre.

    2. Sharabi, Asaf. 2021. Mediums and Deep Healing: Ritual Healing in the Western Himalayas. In Recent Advances in Indian Medical Anthropology, edited by P.C. Joshi and Chakraverti Mahajan, 63-74. Delhi: Concept Publishing Company

    3. Sharabi, Asaf. 2021. "Today Science Proves the Torah": Various Textual Experiences in the Sephardic-Haredi Teshuva Movement and in the Zionist-Religious Teshuva Movement. In The Power of Words: Anthropological Studies in Jewish Textuality, edited by Nisan Rubin and Shlomo Guzmen-Carmeli, 291-310. Jerusalem: Carmel Publishing House. (Hebrew)

    4. Cooper, Samuel and Asaf Sharabi. 2006. The Department of Sociology and Anthropology. In Bar Ilan University – From Idea to Action, edited by Dov Schward, 463-472. Ramat Gan: University of Bar-Ilan Press. (Hebrew)

    Last Updated Date : 08/08/2023