Prof. Orly C. Meron
1976 – 1979 BSc, Bar-Ilan University, Mathematics (major)
1984 – 1988 MA, Bar-Ilan University, Jewish History (magna cum laude)
Thesis title: ‘Economic and Social Aspects of Jewish Life in the Duchy of Milan during the Spanish Period (1535–1597) – Demography, Banking and Wealth’
Supervisor: Prof. Ariel Toaff
1992 – 1999 PhD, Bar-Ilan University, Sociology and Anthropology (With Highest Distinction)
Dissertation title:‘The Jewish Community of Salonica (1881–1936): Middleman Minority in a Process of Peripheral Incorporation into the Capitalist World-Economy’.
Supervisors: Prof. Yehuda Don, Economics Department, Head of Institute for Research of Economics of Jewish Communities.
Prof. Ernest Krausz, Head of Sociology and Anthropology Department, Sociological Institute for Community Studies.
Professional Certificate
Teacher's Diploma, Mathematics, Bar-Ilan University, October 1977– September 1979
1st October 2015-to Date: Head, Interdisciplinary Dept. of Social Sciences.
2008- September 2015: Senior Lecturer – Tenure, Jewish History Department (50%); The Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences.
2002 – 2007: Lecturer, Jewish History Department; The Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences.
1999 – 2001: Doctor-instructor, Jewish History Department; The Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences.
1995 – 1998: Instructor, Jewish History Department.
Organization of professional conferences
2013 – Pivotal member of the steering committee and the organizing committee of the Second Annual International Conference of The Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History, entitled 'Economic History of the Jews throughout the Ages: Sources, Methodologies, Narratives', Bar-Ilan University, 5–6 June 2013
2011– Member of the steering committee of the Academic Conference on Poverty and the Attitude towards the Poor in Jewish Society in the Mediterranean Basin during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period,’ 3 May 2011
2009 – Pivotal organiser of the 14th Seminar for Researchers in Jewish Studies, ‘The Heritage of the Jews in Greece’, 15–22 February 2009, Thessaloniki–Athens.
Positions Held Inside the University
1 October 2015 to date, Head of the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Bar-Ilan University.
1 October 2015 to date, Appointed member, Committee for Programs and Appointments, Social Sciences Faculty.
1 October 2015 to date, Chair, Committee for doctoral students, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences.
1 October 2015 to date, Appointed member, Management Committee of the Naime & Yehoshua Salti Center for Ladino Studies.
2014 Aminoah Prize, category: Research of the Jewish Diaspora
2008 The Dahan Foundation for Research, The Dahan Centre, Bar-Ilan University
2007 The Dahan Foundation for Research, The Dahan Centre, Bar-Ilan University
2002 The Schnitzer Foundation for Research on the Israel Economy and Society, Bar-Ilan University
2002 A Ministry of Education research grant for the study of the Heritage of Middle Eastern and Sephardic Jewry
1998 National Authority for Ladino Culture, Jerusalem
1995 Rector Scholarship, Bar-Ilan University
1994 Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, New York
1993 Wolf Foundation, M. Gilboa Scholarship for doctoral students
1986 The Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem
2012 – 2015 Ben Zvi Institute, Jerusalem (NIS 33,000)
Research Title: Study of Jewish-owned Businesses on the Eve of the Destruction of the Jewish Communities in Greece, 1940 - 1944
- Socio-Economic Patterns of Migrants and Minorities in Varied and Changing Societies
- Demography and Population Analysis
- Economic and Social History of the Jewish Diasporas (16th – 20th centuries)
BOOK (Author)
Meron, Orly C. (2011/2013). Jewish Entrepreneurship in Salonica, 1912–1940: An Ethnic Economy in Transition. Brighton UK, Portland OR, and Toronto, Canada: Sussex Academic Press, 442 pp.
- Meron, Orly C. (1993). ‘Demographic and Spatial Aspects of Jewish Life in the Duchy of Milan during the Spanish Period (1535–1597)’. In Papers in Jewish Demography, 1989, eds. U. O. Schmelz and S. DellaPergola, 37–47. Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Contemporary Jewry.
- Meron, Orly C. (2005). ‘Minority within Minority: Jewish Women in the Greek Labour Force (1928)’. In Woman in the East, Woman from the East: The Story of the Oriental Jewish Woman, eds. T. Cohen and S. Regev, 163–189. Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C. (2005). ‘Jewish Entrepreneurship in Salonica during the Last Decades of the Ottoman Regime in Macedonia (1881–1912)’. In Frontier of Ottoman Studies: State, Province, and the West, vol. 1, ed. Colin Imber, 265–286. London: I. B. Tauris.
- Meron, Orly C. (2008). ‘Jewish Commerce in Salonica: 1881–1912’. In Encyclopaedia of the Jewish Diaspora, vol. 3, ed. Avrum Ehrlich, 860–864. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO.
- Meron, Orly C. (2008). ‘Jews in Milan: 1535–1597’. In Encyclopaedia of the Jewish Diaspora, vol. 3, ed. Avrum Ehrlich, 870–874. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO.
- Meron, Orly C. (2014). ‘Economy’. In Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Greece, ed. Eyal Ginio, 93 – 116. Jerusalem: Ben Zvi Institute & Ministry of Education (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C. (2014). ‘Demography’. In Jewish Communities in the East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Greece, ed. Eyal Ginio, 75 – 92. Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi Institute & Ministry of Education (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C. (2015). ‘A Socio-Demographic Profile of Old Greece’s Jewish Population between the World Wars’. In Research in Jewish Demography and Identity, eds. Eli Lederhendler and Uzi Rebhun, 46 – 78. Boston, USA: Academic Press.
- Meron, Orly C. ‘Demographic and Economic Aspects in the Research of Turkish Jewry during the Transition from Ottoman Empire to a Turkish Nation-State, 1908–1934’. In Ottoman Empire Collection, eds. Shaul Regev and Jacob Spiegel. Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. (Hebrew) (7,174 words) (forthcoming).
- Meron, Orly C. ‘The Decline of Jewish Banking in Milan and the Establishment of the S. Ambrogio Bank (1593) – Were the Two Interrelated?’ Nuova Rivista Storica LXXIV (1990): 369–384.
- Meron, Orly C. ‘Il prestito ebraico nel Ducato di Milano nel periodo spagnolo (1535–1597)’, Annuario di Studi Ebraici XII (1992): 69–87.
- Meron, Orly C. ‘The Dowries of Jewish Women in the Duchy of Milan (1535–1597): Economic and Social Aspects’, Zakhor. Rivista di Storia degli Ebrei D’Italia II (1998): 127–137.
- Meron, Orly C. ‘Sub-ethnicity and Elites: Jewish Italian Professionals and Entrepreneurs in Salonica (1881–1912)’, Zakhor. Rivista di Storia degli Ebrei D’Italia VIII (2005): 177–220.
- Meron, Orly C. ‘The Jewish Economy of Salonica (1881–1912)’, Jewish Journal of Sociology 47:1–2 (2005): 22–47.
- Meron, Orly C. ‘Ethnic-Controlled Economy in Transition: Jewish Employment from European Semi-Colonialism in Ottoman Macedonia to Greek Nation-State’, Sociological Papers 11 (2006): 1–58.
- Meron, Orly C. ‘Economic Behaviour of Minorities: The Case of the Jewish Community of Salonica (1881–1912)’, East and Maghreb VIII (2008): 81–112 (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C. ‘The Demographic Development of the Jewish Population in Northern Greece (1893–1928)’, Pe’amim 116 (2008): 7–78 (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C. ‘Economic Nationalism from a Comparative Perspective: Jewish Port Workers between Salonica and Haifa, 1923–1936’, Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, 18 (2008): 193–235 (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C. ‘Port Jews: Aden (1839–1947) as a Test Case’, Tema: Journal of Judeo-Yemenite Studies 11 (2011): 99–122 (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C., 'Immigration of Entrepreneurs to British Mandatory Palestine: From the Default of Greece (1932) to the Establishment of Discount Bank (1935)', Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, 23 (2013): 193–235 (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C., 'Budgeting in Judeo-Spanish: Jewish Administration in the Age of Crisis, Salonica 1928-1934', Ladinar, VII-VIII (2014), pp. 179–200.
- Meron, Orly C., 'Connecting Threads? Greeks, Refugees and Jews in Thessaloniki's Textile Industries, 1923 – 1943', Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly (special issue: economic history) 129 (2015): 78 – 92 (Hebrew).
- Meron, Orly C., 'Between Private and Public Sectors: Jewish Engineers in Greece between the Wars', Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 14 (November 2015), 409 – 429. DOI: 10.1080/14725886.2015.1032020
- Meron, Orly C., 'Marriage Contracts of Portuguese Jews from Bayonne, 1721–1816: Migration, Sub-Ethnicity, Gender, and Economics', Hamsa. Journal of Judaic and Islamic Studies, II (2015), 14–29.
- Meron, Orly C., 2016. ‘Greek Industrialists in Salonica during the Industrial Boom of 1930s: Evidence from Jewish Archival Resources’, ARXEIAKA ANALEKTA (Archival Annals), I, 51—70.
Last Updated Date : 06/02/2025