מה עושים בוגרינו?
Asaf Zurieltechnology recruitment coordinator and client case manager, Integration and IT companyI am Assaf, a graduate of the Human Resources track as part of the first cohort...
Shay NisimHRBP, Toga Networks (Huawei)I am proud to share that I am part of the first cohort of graduates of the Human...
Tali AtanelovEmployee, Varonis, a global company in the field of CybersecurityI am a graduate of the Human Resource Management undergraduate program of Bar...
Noa Graorin charge of employee recruitment, well-being, and the entire work-life circle of workers in the company. , investment company (Migdal)I am very excited to be part of the first cohort of graduates of the Human...
Ofri NegriResearch manager, C.I Market ResearchChoosing to study within the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences was...
Ricky Molinaadvisor to the head of a county senior citizen affairs organization, senior citizen affairs organizationI am proud to be among the graduates of the first cohort of the Gerontology...
Shay Fishfedermanager of a non-profit organization in Nursing within the Sharon district of Israel, non-profit organization Lev HazahavThe Master’s degree studies in Gerontology were interesting and expanded...
Ofri HoreshHRBP, VaronisThe degree in Human Resources Management combines theoretical studies alongside...
Adi Cohenmanager of training and responsible for learning in the department, Phonix, an insurance companyI am Adi Cohen, proud to be part of the first cohort of graduates of the Human...
Liza Feitelmanager of an aging home for people who are coping with mental illnessesI began my undergraduate degree in the “Prat” track of the...