מורה ג'
ד"ר ורדית סרנה פליישמן
בניין 502/11 חדר 7
שעות קבלה
בתיאום מראש
קורות חיים
קורות חיים
2014 - PhD, הנדסת תעשייה וניהול (במסלול הנדסת גורמי אנוש), אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב.
2006 - MSc, הנדסת תעשייה וניהול (במסלול הנדסת גורמי אנוש), אוניברסיטת בן-גוריון בנגב.
1998 - BSc, הנדסת תעשייה, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב.
הנדסת גורמי אנוש
אינטראקצית אדם-רובוט
טכנולוגיה מסייעת
מבוא לסטטיסטיקה
מתמטיקה למדעי החברה
מאמרים בכתבי עת
- Sarne-Fleischmann, V., & Tractinsky, N. (2008). Development and evaluation of a personalized multimedia system for reminiscence therapy in Alzheimer’s patients. Int. J. Social and Humanistic Computing, 1(1), 81–96.
- Honig, S., Oron-Gilad T., Zaichyk H., Sarne-Fleischmann V., Olatunji S., & Edan Y. (2018). Towards Socially Aware Person-Following Robots. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems 10(4), 936-954. DOI: 10.1109/TCDS.2018.2825641
- Olatunji, S., Oron-Gilad, T., Sarne-Fleischmann V., & Edan Y. (2020). User-centered feedback design in person-following robots for older adults. Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics, 11(1), 86–103, eISSN 2081-4836, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/pjbr-2020-0007
- Avioz-Sarig O., Olatunji S., Sarne-Fleischmann V., & Edan Y. (2020). Robotic system for physical training of older adults. International Journal of Social Robotics 1-16 DOI: 10.1007/s12369-020-00697-y
- Olatunji,S, Oron-Gilad, T., Markfeld, N., Gutman, D., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., & Edan, Y. (2021). Levels of automation and transparency: Interaction design considerations in assistive robots for older adults. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, doi: 10.1109/THMS.2021.3107516.
- Liberman-Pincu E., David A., Sarne-Fleischmann V., Edan Y., Oron-Gilad T. (2021). Comply with Me: Using Design Manipulations to Affect Human–Robot Interaction in a COVID-19 Officer Robot Use Case. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 5(11):71. https://doi.org/10.3390/mti5110071
כנסים מדעיים
- Sarne-Fleischmann, V., &Tractinsky, N. (2007). Development and Evaluation of a Personalized Multimedia System for Reminiscence Therapy in Alzheimer’s Patients. Paper Presented at the 1st International workshop on Pervasive Technologies for Alzheimer’s Disease Sufferers, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Tractinsky, N., & Dwolatzky, T. (2009). Computerized personal intervention of reminiscence therapy for Alzheimer’s patients. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Reminiscence Systems: Cambridge, UK, 11-15.
- Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Tractinsky, N., & Dwolatzky, T. (2010). Computerized personal intervention of reminiscence therapy for Alzheimer’s patients. Proceedings of Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems: Consortium.
- Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Tractinsky, N., Dwolatzky, T., & Rief, I. (2011). Personalized reminiscence therapy for patients with Alzheimer's disease using a computerized system. PETRA 2011, The 4th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, Crete, Greece.
- Dwolatzky, T., Tractinsky, N., & Sarne-Fleischmann, V. (2014). Computer-supported personal interventions for older people with cognitive impairment and dementia. Alzheimer's and Dementia, 10(4):158. 4
- Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Honig S., Oron-Gilad T., & Edan Y. (2017). Multimodal communication for guiding a person following robot. Proceedings of the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), 1018-1023. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8172428/
- Olatunji S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Honig S., Zaichyk H., Markovich, T., Oron-Gilad T., & Edan Y. (2018). User preferences for socially acceptable person-following robots: environmental influence case studies. Assistance and Service Robotics in a Human Environment - From Personal Mobility Aids to Rehabilitation-Oriented Robotics. A Workshop in conjunction with the 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Madrid, Spain.
- Olatunji, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., Honig, S., Oron-Gilad, T., & Edan, Y. (2019). Feedback design to improve interaction of older adults in person-following robots. MobRobAE workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automaton, ICRA 2019.
- Avioz-Sarig O., Olatunji S., Sarne-Fleischmann V., & Edan Y. (2019). Robotic system for physical training of older adults, Robotics: Science and Systems, RSS, Freiburg, Germany. Extended abstract, poster presentation.
- Avioz-Sarig O., Olatunji S., Sarne-Fleischmann V., & Edan Y. (2019). Robotic system for physical training of older adults, ICR 2019 – 6th Israeli Conference of Robotics, Herzelia, Israel. Abstract, oral presentation.
- Kumar, S., Itzhak E., Olatunji S., Sarne-Fleischmann V., Tractinsky N., Nimrod G., & Edan Y. (2019). Exploratory evaluation of politeness in human-robot interaction. Quality of Interaction in Socially Assistive Robots (QISAR) Workshop International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR’19) - Madrid, Spain, November 26-29.
- Markfeld N., Olatunji S., Gutman D., Givati S., Sarne-Fleischmann V., & Edan Y. (2019). Feedback modalities for a table setting robot assistant for elder care, Quality of Interaction in Socially Assistive Robots (QISAR) Workshop, International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR’19) - Madrid, Spain, November 26-29.
- Gutman D., Olatunji S., Markfeld N., Givati S., Sarne-Fleischmann V., & Edan Y. (2019). Improving the Interaction of Older Adults with a Socially Assistive Table Setting Robot, The Eleventh Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR2019). Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).
- Gutman, D., Markfeld, N., Olatunji, S., Sarne-Fleischmann, V., & Edan. Y. (2019). Evaluating Fluency in Robot-Assisted Table Setting for Older Adults, ICR 2019 – 6th Israeli Conference of Robotics, Herzelia, Israel. Abstract, oral presentation.
אמצעי התקשורת
באמצעי התקשורת
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 10/01/2023