פרופ' יעקב הופמן
קורות חיים
Yaakov Hoffman, Ph.D.
A. Contact Details
E-mail: hoffmay@biu.ac.il
Office number: 972-3-5317931
B. Education
2009-2012: Post-doctoral fellow, Psychology Department and Department of Cognitive Studies, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Supervisor: Dr. Anat Maril
2003-2008: PhD, Ben-Gruion University of the Negev (Psychology).Dissertation title: "Memory for material either monitored at study nor test." Supervisor: Prof. Jospeh Tzelgov.
1996-1998: MA, Bar Ilan University (Clinical Child Psychology).
1992-1996: BA, Bar Ilan University (Psychology and Arabic).
C. Academic Positions and Activities
2012-: Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Bar-Ilan University.
2017: Senior Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Bar-Ilan University.
D. Scholarships and Awards
1995: Prize awarded by the Kunin Lunenfield cathedral for the special child. School of Education and Department of Psychology, Bar Ilan University.
1996 & 1997: Excellence Scholarship awarded during each year of MA studies, Department of Psychology, Bar Ilan University.
E. Research Grants
2009: Research Title: Automatic processing of semantic peripheral information
Role: Post-doc fellowship National Institute for Psychobiology (NIPI)
(Sum & Currency: 25,000 $)
2013: Research Title: Teaching Facebook to older adults: effects and implications
Role: PI- Co-Investigators: Bodner, E., & Grossman, E.S.
(Sum & Currency: 37,000 NIS)
Agency: Israeli Council for Higher Education
2017: Research Title: Attentional blindness in ADHD: processing of unattended background contexts by ADHD persons with and without medication.
Role: PI- Co-Investigators: E. S. Grossman E. & I. Manor
(Sum & Currency: 17,000$)
F. Ad Hoc Reviewer
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychiaty Research
European Journal of Traumatology
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Journal of Psychiatry Research
Aging and Mental Health
G. Clinical Experience
2003-: Licensed Clinical Psychologist.
1998-2003: Internship in clinical psychology at "Eitanim Hospital" – Jerusalem Region.
H. Conference Presentations and Active Participation in Conferences
Y. Hoffman, & A. Shrira. (2018). Shadows of the past along with threats from the future: Sensitivity of third generation holocaust survivors to ISIS anxiety. Presented at the 22th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
E. Bodner, S. Cohen-Fridel, Y. Hoffman., Shrira, A.(2018). The moderating effect of ageism on the association of body image and subjective successful aging. Paper presented at the 22nd Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
A. Rotem, & Y. Hoffman. (2018). Anchoring reduces task-unrelated thoughts. Presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Israeli society for Cognitive Psychology (ISCOP), Acco, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, E. Grossman, A. Shrira, M. Dinnayi, R. Bayaan, M. Kedar, A. Zivotofsky, M. Ben-Ezra. Complex PTSD in a sample of female Yazidi's-former ISIS captives in Northern Iraq. Presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Lublin, Poland.
Y. Hoffman, S. Cohen-Fridel, E. Bodner, A. Shrira (2018). The Relationship between Daily Subjective Age and Psychological Distress is Moderated by Age Awareness. Presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Lublin, Poland.
Y. Palgi, A. Shrira, Y. Hoffman, S. Avidor, E. Bodner, M. Ben-Ezra, M. Ben-Simon. Feeling Young Mitigates the Physical Health Consequences of PTSD Symptoms. Presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Lublin, Poland.
E. Grossman, Y.S.G. Hoffman, A. Shrira. School-related PTSD among people with and without learning disabilities. Presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Lublin, Poland.
A. Rotem, & Y. Hoffman. (2017). Anchoring Reduces Mind Wandering Thereby Enhancing Memory Performance. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada.
Y. Hoffman, symosium chair: ISIS Media and Anxiety: Psychological, Cross-Cultural and Inter-generational Transmission Aspects (2017). Presented at the 38th STAR conference, Hong Kong, China.
M. Ben-Ezra, Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, E.S. Grossman, S. Fridel-Cohen,E. Bodner, (2017). Who Is Afraid of ISIS? Associations of ISIS Anxiety with Media, Presented at the 38th STAR conference, Hong Kong, China.
E.S. Grossman, Y. Hoffman, , A. Shrira, E. Bodner, S. Fridel-Cohen, M. Ben-Ezra, E. Bodner, (2017). Sleeping with the Enemy: Anxiety Regarding the ISIS Threat Is Related to Sleep Problems. Presented at the 38th STAR conference, Hong Kong, China.
Y. Bergman, Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, E. S. Grossman, , E. Bonder, S. Cohen-Fridel, Menachem Ben-Ezra (2017) Cross Cultural Effects of the Media Exposure–ISIS Anxiety Relationship: Differential Media Exposure Effects on ISIS Anxiety in Israeli Jews vs. Arabs. Presented at the 38th STAR conference, Hong Kong, China.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, E. S. Grossman, E. Bonder, S. Cohen-Fridel, Menachem Ben-Ezra (2017). Shadows of the Past and Threats of the Future: ISIS Anxiety among Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors. Presented at the 38th STAR conference, Hong Kong, China.
A. Rotem, & Y. Hoffman, (2017). Anchoring reduces task unrelated thoughts. Presented at the 6th conference of the Israeli Association for Behavior and Cognitive Psychotherapies. Acre, Israel
Y. Hoffman, S. Cohen-Fridel, A. Shrira. & E. Bodner (2016). Effect of missile warning time on younger and older adults. Presented at the 21th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, & E. S. Grossman (2016). Effects of priming on Subjective age are mediated by memory. Presented at the 21th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, & E. S. Grossman (2016). Advantages and disadvantages of ADHD. Presented at the fifth annual Israeli ADHD conference, Tel Aviv Israel.
Y. Hoffman (2016) The big debate. Presented at the fifth annual Israeli ADHD Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, S. Cohen-Fridel, E. S. Grossman, & E. Bodner (2016). Subjective age, subjective nearness-to-death and trauma-related symptoms: Evidence from two studies. Presented at the 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Tampere, Finland.
E. S. Grossman, Y. Hoffman, & D. Mitchell (2016). Effect of age-priming on subjective age and memory in young and older adults. Presented at the 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerentology, Tampere, Finland.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, E. Bodner, S. Cohen-Fridel, & E. S. Grossman (2016). The relationship between missile warning time and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in young and older adults. Presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, E. Bodner, S. Cohen-Fridel, & E. S. Grossman (2016). The relationship between trauma exposure and PTSD symptoms is moderated by the mutual effects of one's control over media exposure in conjunction with external locus of control. Paper presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
Y. Bergman, Y. Hoffman, S. Cohen-Fridel, E. Bodner, & A. Shrira (2016). The effects of perceived media control on post-traumatic stress symptoms: The moderating role of prejudicial attitudes. Presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
S. Cohen-Fridel, Y. Hoffman, & A. Shrira (2016). The interaction between media consumption level and use of social media on PTS symptoms during a period of terrorist attacks. Presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Zagreb, Croatia.
A. Shrira, D. Shmotkin, Y. Palgi, Y. Hoffman, E. Bodner, M. Ben-Ezra, & H. Litwin (2016). Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder among older adults exposed to ongoing and intense time-limited missile attacks: A differentiated outlook. Presented at the 37th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Zagreb, Croatia.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, E. Bodner, S. Cohen-Fridel, & E. S. Grossman (2016). The relationship between subjective distance to Gaza, missile warning time and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in young and older adults. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
E. Bodner, S. Cohen-Fridel, S., Y. Hoffman, & A. Shrira (2016). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms as a function of the interactive effect of subjective age and subjective distance-to-death along the life-span. Presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
E. S. Grossman, Y. Hoffman, & A. Shrira (2015). Exposure to context impairs sleep among individuals with acute stress disorder symptoms: evidence from civilians exposed to missile attacks. Presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR). Tel Aviv, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, & E. Bodner (2015). Priming posttraumatic stress symptoms among individuals exposed to African working refugees' violence. Presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, S. Cohen-Fridel, E. Bodner, E. S. Grossman, & A. Shrira (2015). The interactive effect of framing and priming on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
S. Cohen-Fridel, Y. Hoffman, E. Bodner, & A. Shrira (2015). PSTD symptoms as a function of the interactive effect of subjective Age and subjective distance-to-death along the life-span. Presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, & E. S. Grossman (2015). ADHD: Who is Distracted? Presented at the fourth annual Israeli ADHD conference, Tel Aviv Israel.
Y. Hoffman, & A. Zivotofsky (2014). Automatic processing of unattended peripheral words. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. Toronto, Canada.
L. Gantz, Y. Hoffman, A. Zivotofsky (2013). Parafoveal processing of semantic information. Presented at the 34th meeting of the Israeli Society for Vision and Eye Research (ISVER), meeting. Lod, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, E. S. Grossman, I. Berger, & A. Zivotofsky (2013). ADD: Deficit vs. advantage - Implications for CBT. Presented at the 5th conference of the Israeli Association for Behavior and Cognitive Psychotherapies. Acre, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, & E. S. Grossman (2013). The social and health benefits of Facebook usage in the elderly. Presented at the Multi Perspective View on Aging Conference. Bar-Ilan University, Israel.
Y. Hoffman, N. Regev, & A. Maril (2012). Differential fMRI subsequent memory for context unattended to at both study and test, vs. attended items. Presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuro Society (CNS), Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Y. Hoffman, N. Regev, & A. Maril (2010). Memory for non-attended background: An fMRI study. Presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuro Society (CNS), Montreal, Canada.
Y. Hoffman, N. Regev, & A. Maril (2011). Triple dissociation in the medial temporal lobe in memory for context. Presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuro Society (CNS), San Francisco, California, USA.
A. Zivotofsky, & Y. Hoffman (2009). The effect of spatial distance and laterality on the processing of non-monitored words: Evidence from the gender congruency Task. Presented at the 33rd Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. e
Y. Hoffman, & A. Zivotofsky (2009). Can non-monitored words be processed peripherally? Presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, Massachusetts.
Y. Hoffman, & Y. Tzelgov (2007) Differences between 'monitoring Not' and 'Not monitoring' in automatic memory for context. Presented at the XVth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Marseilles, France.
Y. Hoffman, & Y. Tzelgov (2007). Automatic memory for context. Presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Long Beach, California, USA.
Y. Hoffman, & Y. Tzelgov (2005) Direct measurement of memory for context. Presented at the XIVth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Leiden, The Netherlands.
Y. Faran, D. Anaki, Y. Hoffman, K. Klipper, H. Henik, & D. Ben-Shalom (2003). Impaired mirror effect in recognition after damage limited to the hippocampus. Presented at the Presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuro Society (CNS), New York, USA.
E. Vakil, & Y. Hoffman (1998). The effect of divided attention on perceptual and conceptual priming. Presented at the Xth Conference of the European Society for Jerusalem, Israel.
Organization of sessions, study days and conferences
Y. Hoffman (2015). Organizing and chairing of the session: Putting things into context-sensitivity: The role of context in reaction to stressful and traumatic events. Presented at the 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
ISIS Media and Anxiety: Psychological, Cross-Cultural and Inter-generational Transmission Aspects (2017). Presented at the 38th STAR conference, Hong Kong, China.
הנושאים המרכזיים שאני חוקר
א. עיבוד, זיכרון והאחדה של גירויי Context
1) עיבוד קוגניטיבי וזיכרון לגירויי רקע
2) חקירה של שני סוגים של האחדה (unitization): נעילה קונטקסטואלית מול Chunking
3) האחדה של למידת מסלולי ניווט
ב.הקשר בין חשיפה לטראומה לבין הסימפטומים הפוסט-טראומטיים
4) גורמים היכולים למתן את השפעת החשיפה לטראומה ובכך להוריד את רמת הסימפטומים הפוסט טראומטיים
5) תפיסות זמן סובייקטיביות (גיל סובייקטיבי ומרחק למוות) והקשר שיש להן עם סימפטומים פוסט טראומטיים
6) התרומה של משאבים מנטליים בהווה מול משאבים מנטליים הנדרשים למטלות עתידיות להיערכות מול איומים בהווה והעתיד
8) השפעת גירויי CONTEXT המזכירים את הטראומה על הופעת סימפטומים של פוסט-טראומטיים
9) PTSD מורכב - - פרוייקט מחקרי על נשים יזידיות שהיו בשבי של ISIS
קורסים בהווה
מבוא לפסיכולוגיה התפתחותית
פסיכולוגיה קוגניטיבית
פסיכולוגיה פיזיולוגית
סמינריון בתפיסה וזיכרון לא מודע
קורסים בעבר
מבוא לפסיכולוגיה
תיאוריות באישיות
שימושי מחשב
שיטות מחקר
סטטיסטיקה א +ב
E.S. Grossman, Y.S.G. Hoffman, A. Shrira, M. Kedar, M. Ben-Ezra, & A. Zivtofsky. (2019) Preliminary Evidence Linking Complex-PTSD to Insomnia in a Sample of Yazidi Genocide Survivors. Psychiatry Research, 271, 161-166.
Y. Hoffman. Who is afraid of ISIS? ISIS anxiety and its correlates. (2018) Stress and Health, 34(1), 84-92.
E. Bodner, Y. Hoffman, Y. Palgi, & A. Shrira. (2018). A light in a sea of darkness: the moderating role of emotional complexity in the PTSD symptoms-successful aging association. Aging and Mental Health, 22(6), 826-833.
Y. Palgi, A. Shrira, & Y. Hoffman. (2018). Negative and positive perceptions of media sources and PTSD symptoms among older adults exposed to missile attacks. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 185-188.
Y. Hoffman, E. Grossman, A. Shrira, M. Kedar, M. Ben‐Ezra, M. Dinnayi…., & A. Zivotofsky, (2018). Complex PTSD and its correlates amongst female Yazidi victims of sexual slavery living in post‐ISIS camps. World psychiatry, 17(1), 112-113.
M. Mahat-Shamir, Y. Hoffman, S. Pitcho-Prelorentzos, Y. Hamama-Raz, O. Lvavenda, …M. Ben-Ezra, (2018). Truck Attack: Fear of ISIS and reminder of truck attacks in Europe as associated with psychological distress and PTSD symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 267, 306-312.
Y. Palgi, S. Avidor, Shrira, A., E. Bodner, M. Ben-Ezra, O. Zaslavsky, Y. Hoffman, (2018). It's All About Perception: the moderating effect role of inner perspective of Trauma on PTSD Symptoms across Time. Psychiatry, 1-15.
Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Hoffman, Y., Avidor, S., Bodner, E., Ben-Ezra, M., & Bensimon, M. (2018). Subjective Age as a Moderator in the Reciprocal Effects Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Self-Rated Physical Functioning. Frontiers in psychology, 9.
Hoffman, Y., Perlman, A., Orr-Urtreger, B., Tzelgov, J., Pothos, E. M., & Edwards, D. J. (2017). Unitization of route knowledge. Psychological research, 81(6), 1241-1254.
Palgi, Y., Grossman, E. S., Hoffman, Y. S., Pitcho-Prelorentzos, S., David, U. Y., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2017). When the human spirit helps? The moderating role of somatization on the association between Olympic game viewing and the will-to-live. Psychiatry research, 257, 438-440.
Lavenda, O., Grossman, E. S., Ben-Ezra, M., & Hoffman, Y. (2017). Exploring DSM-5 criterion A in Acute Stress Disorder symptoms following natural disaster. Psychiatry research, 256, 458-460.
Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Hoffman, Y. (2017). Negative and positive perceptions of media sources and PTSD symptoms among older adults exposed to missile attacks. Personality and Individual Differences, 119, 185-188.
E. S. Grossman, Y. Hoffman, & A. Shrira. (2017). Trauma-related context increases sleep disturbances in people with acute stress disorder symptoms. Stress and Health, 33, 153-157.
A. Shrira, D. Shmotkin, Y. Palgi, Y. Hoffman, E. Bodner, M. Ben-Ezra, & H. Litwin (2017). Older adults exposed to ongoing and intense time-limited missile attacks: differences in symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 80, 64-78
Y. Hoffman & E.S. Grossman (2017). Sleeping with the enemy: Anxiety regarding the ISIS threat is related to sleep problems. Personality and Individual Differences 112, 85-89.
O. Lavenda, Y. Hoffman, E. Grossman, & M. Ben-Ezra. (2017). A man's home is his castle and fortress: Psychological distress associated with house-damage exposure following super typhoon Haiyan in younger and older adults. Psychiatry Research, 249, 218-220.
Y. Hoffman, & A. Shrira. (2017). Shadows of the past and threats of the future: ISIS anxiety among grandchildren of Holocaust survivors. Psychiatry Research, 253, 220-225.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, E. Bodner, & M. Ben-Ezra. (2017) Prime and prejudice: the effect of priming context and prejudicial attitudes on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following immigrant violence. Psychiatry Research, 254, 224-231.
Y. Hoffman, S. Cohen-Fridel, E. Bodner, E. Grossman, & A. Shrira (2016). Confidence in the 'Iron Dome' missile defense system combined with sense of resilience relate to lower posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following missile attacks. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77, 407-408.
A. Perlman, A., Y. Hoffman, J. Tzelgov, E. Pothos, & D. Edwards (2016). The notion of contextual locking: Previously learnt items are not accessible as such when appearing in a less common context. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 410-431.
A. Shrira, Y. Palgi, M. Ben-Ezra, Y. Hoffman, & E. Bodner (2016). A youthful age identity mitigates the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms on successful aging. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24, 174-175.
Y. Hoffman, & T. Rosenbloom (2016). Driving experience moderates the effect of implicit vs. explicit threat priming on the hazard perception test. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 15, 454-458.
E. S. Grossman, Y. Hoffman, E. Bodner, Y. Palgi, M. Gottlieb, O. Mesika, M. Ben-Ezra, & A. Shrira (2016). Psychological effects following the Iran nuclear deal: Iranian nuclear threat salience moderates the relationship between PTSD symptoms and sleep problems. Psychiatry Research, 243, 292-294.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, S. Cohen-Fridel, E. S. Grossman, & E. Bodner (2016). The effect of exposure to missile attacks on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms as a function of perceived media control and locus of control. Psychiatry Research, 244, 51-56.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, S. Cohen-Fridel, E. S. Grossman, & E. Bodner (2016). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms as a function of the interactive effect of subjective age and subjective nearness to death. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 245-251.
Y. Hoffman, A. Shrira, & E. S. Grossman (2015). Subjective age moderates the immediate effects of trauma exposure among young adults exposed to rocket attacks. Psychiatry Research, 229, 623-624.
E.S. Grossman, Y. Hoffman, I. Berger, & A. Zivotofsky (2015). Beating their chests: ADHD University Students demonstrate greater attentional abilities on an inattentional blindness paradigm. Neuropsychology, 29, 882-887.
A. Shrira, Y. Hoffman, & E. Bodner (2014). Older adults with prejudicial attitudes report higher posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following exposure to African refugees' violence. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22, 523.
G. Diamond, J. Lipstiz, & Y. Hoffman (2013). Nonpathological response to ongoing traumatic stress. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace
Psychology, 19, 100-111.
Y. Hoffman, & J. Tzelgov (2012). Representation of unattended material in memory. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(3), 1504-1508.
Y. Hoffman, O. Bein, & A. Maril, A. (2011). Explicit memory for unattended words: The importance of being in the “No”. Psychological Science, 22, 1490-1493.
Y. Hoffman, G. M. Diamond, & J. D. Lipsitz (2011). The challenge of estimating PTSD prevalence in the context of ongoing trauma: The example of Israel during the Second Intifada. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25(6), 788-793.
E. Vakil, & Y. Hoffman (2004). Dissociation between two types of skill learning tasks: The differential effect of divided attention. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 26(5), 653-666.
E. Vakil, Y. Hoffman, & D. Myzliek (1998). Active versus passive procedural learning in older and younger adults. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 8(1), 31-41.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 08/06/2023