ד"ר רות וולף
בנין 502/11 חדר 8
שעות קבלה
סמס' א יום א 9-9.45 סמס' ב - יום ד 9-9.45 בתאום מראש במייל
קורות חיים
קורות חיים
Courses Taught
Moral and Social Economic Responsibility
Morals and Ethics
Mediation in Areas of Management
Medical Ethics
Penal Law
- Wolf, R., Issa, T., & Thiel, M. (eds.). (2015). Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility. IGI Global, University of Pennsylvania .
- Wolf, R., & Issa, T. (eds.). (2015). International Business Ethics and Growth Opportunities. IGI Global, University of Pennsylvania.
- Wolf, R. (2008). Ethics is good for business, Jerusalem, Mass publication – Textbook.
Chapters in books:
- Wolf, R. (2018) Fighting Against Poverty through Giving and Entrepreneurship. In W. L. Filho (ed.) Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Good Health and Well Being, Springer (accepted).
- Wolf, R. & Thiel, M. (2018). Advancing Global Business Ethics in China: Reducing Poverty Through Human and Social Welfare. In Scott A. Hipsher (ed.), Examining the Private Sector's Role in Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction, IGI Global Publication: Pennsylvania, 67-84.
- Wolf, R & Thiel, M. (2017). CSR in China: The Road to New Sustainable Business Models. In J., Dima. (ed.), Comparative Perspectives on Global Corporate Social Responsibility, Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage Book Series, IGI Publication: Pennsylvania.
- Wolf, R. & Thiel, M. (2017) Fighting on behalf of human rights: Advancing responsible management and global business ethics in China. Examining the Private Sector's Role in Wealth Creation and Poverty Reduction, IGI Publication, Pennsylvania.
- Wolf, R. (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility – Contribution to All . In: R. Wolf, T. Issa, & M. Thiel (eds.) Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibility. IGI Global, Pennsylvania .
- Wolf, R. (2015).Corporate Social Responsibility in the West (U.S. and West Europe) vs. East (China). In: R. Wolf, & T. Issa (eds.) International Business Ethics and Growth Opportunities. IGI Global, Pennsylvania .
- Wolf, R. (2015). Self-Awareness: A Way to Promote Ethical Management. In: R. Wolf, & T. Issa (eds. )(2015) International Business Ethics and Growth Opportunities. IGI Global, Pennsylvania.
- Wolf, R. (2012). Comics as a powerful tool of teaching method for ethical and social learning in school. In: A. Ziv & A. Sover, (eds.) . The importance of not being serious. Jerusalem: Carmel. (Heb)
- Wolf, R. (2002). Finding a quasi-phenomenological definition of terror. Delinquency and Social Deviation: Theory and Application, (pp. 351-372). Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. (Heb) (with Wolf Y.).
- Wolf, R. (2002). Education of morality at a tender age under conditions of complex reality: Theoretical, empirical and practical aspects. In N. Maslovaty & Y. Iram (eds.), Values Education in Various Teaching Contexts (pp. 145-161). Tel-Aviv: Ramot – Tel-Aviv University. (Heb) (with Wolf, Y.)
- Wolf, R. (2000). Moral education in school. In S. Raz (Ed.), The Zionist Religious Collection, (pp. 450-458). Jerusalem: Hapoel Hamizrachi. (Heb).
Articles in refereed journals/periodicals
- Wolf, R. & Thiel, M. (2018) Economic Growth in Africa through an Ethical Lens. Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies, 12(1), 145-164.
- Wolf, R. (2018) Fighting Against Poverty through Giving and Entrepreneurship. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Partnerships for the Goals. UN Publications.
- Wolf, R. (2014) The Adoption of Buddhism's Principles as a Means of Improving Physicians' Work With Terminally Ill Patients. Health Law, 33:49-60.
- Wolf, R. (2014) Repentance, Prayer and Forgiveness During the High Holy Days as a Source for Man's Strength. Oreshet: A Journal of Jewish Studies, Society and Education V, 131-142.
- Wolf, R. (2014). Escaping the "Physical Child Abuse" Patter- Therapeutic Intervention with Victims of Violence in the Family Using the Gestalt Method, Pediatrics & Therapeutics 4(1) 192-195.
- Wolf, R. (2013). Ethical Issues in India and their Ramifications on Economic Development. Mustang Journal of Business and Ethics, 109 (6),
- Wolf, R. (2013). Management and ethical relations in the work culture in Japan as compared to that of the West. Innovative Journal of Business and Management, 2 (5), 116-122
- Wolf, R. (2013). The solution for achieving ethical economics: Strengthening the ethics of accountants. Indian Journal of Management, 6(8), 25-31.
- Wolf, R. (2013). Various ethical perspectives when training students for business management. Mustang Journal of Business Ethics, 4, 106-111.
- Wolf, R. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility as a tool to increase Management, 6(3), 45-49.
- Wolf, R. (2013). Comics as Learning Toll of Ethics in Organizations and Companies. Israeli Journal for Humor Research, 4, 46-56.
- Wolf, R. (2012). Personal Feedback as a Tool for Good Management. Mustang Journal of Business and Ethics, 3, 113-122.
- Wolf, R. (2011). How pediatricians can deal with children who have been sexually abused by family members. ISRN Pediatrics Journal .
- Wolf, R. (2011). The Money Environment: Calculations Regarding Ecology and Preservation of the Green Environment. Roeh Haheshbon, , 25, 108-115.
- Wolf, R. (2006). The doctor as a key figure in identification, diagnosis and initial assistance to child victims of sexual exploitation among family. Recovery, Ha’Refua,145, 587-591. (HEB)
- Wolf, R. (2005), Using Logotherapy in school-based interventions with victims of sexual abuse. The International Forum for Logotherapy, 1-24.
- Wolf, R. (2004). More solutions for the prevention of violence and delinquency among youth – guiding families whose behavior pattern is harmful to children. Ha’Nefesh, 17-18, 114-119. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. (2004). Writing a ‘personal prayer’ as a tool for diagnosis and consultation. The Educational Consultant, 218-229. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. & Wolf, Y. (2000). Israeli citizens perception of terrorism. Acta Criminologia, 13, 3, pp. 86-91.
- Wolf, R. (1998). How school counselors can deal with children who have been sexually abused by family members. Journal of Counselor Education & Supervision, 7, pp. 1-28. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. (1996). The intervention plan “instrumental enrichment” – evaluations concerning success in creating a change among adolescents. Dapim, 22, pp. 84-108. (HEB) .
Additional Articles
- Wolf, R. (2016). The Poetry and creations of Shlomit Cohen- Asif as a method to develop compassion among children. In L.Hakak (ed). Hador- The Hebrew Annual of America. (154-163), Los Angeles: University of California.
- Wolf, R. (2013). Comics as a learning tool of ethics in organizations and companies. Mashabey Enosh, March-April, 62-68. (Heb)
- Wolf, R. (2012). Giving and Compassion, Daf Shvu'ee, 901, The Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
- Wolf, R. (2010). The Need for Businessmen to Understand the Culture and the ethics of the Nation They Negotiate With, Human Resources, 267-268, 10-13.
- Wolf, R. (2010). Love According to the Song of Songs and the Psychological Literature, Ma’aglei Nefesh, 2, 38-40.
- Wolf, R. (2009). Moses – A model of leadership, Daf Shvu'ee, The Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
- Wolf, R. (2009). Plain Language and Fancy Language in Children’s Literature, Children and Young Adult Literature, 130, 54-60.
- Wolf, R. (2009). What Can be Learned from the Confucian Approach to Society, Leadership and Work Culture, Neto +, 222, 100-102.
- Wolf, R. (2009). Ethics as a Main Foundation of Internal Auditing Nihul Shakof, Tel Aviv University.
- Wolf, R. (2009). Comics as a Teaching Method in School, Kesher Ayin, 193, 34-36.
- Wolf, R. (2009). The Connection between Modern Psychology and the Talmud – The Text Regarding Rabbi Joshua – “Fortunate is She Who Gave Birth to Him”, Mima’amakim, 27.
- Wolf, R. (2009). An examination of the Leadership of Moses as an Example of Ideal Leadership, Daf Shvu’ee, 828, The Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
- Wolf, R. (2009). The Comic Literature – A Way to Deliver Messages and Values in Organizations and Companies, Human Resources, 261-262, 8-11.
- Wolf, R. (2009). The Circle of Life and Family Generations in Children’s Literature, Moznaiim, 83(1), 32-35.
- Wolf, R. (2007). Abraham and Sarah, Daf Shvu'ee, The Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
- Wolf, R. (2006). A spotlight on corporate ethics: "The Trojan Horse" – industrial and business espionage. Mashabei Enosh, 19, 46-50.
- Wolf, R. (2006). Guanxi, the gift-giving custom in China as an instrument for deepening business relations. Nihul, 165, 58-60.
- Wolf, R. (2006). Ethic legislation – Needed. Neto+, 22, 187, 111-116.
- Wolf, R. (2006). Enhancing ethics among accountants: How will accountants overcome obstacles?. Roe'e HaHeshbon, NH, 2(454), 122-125.
- Wolf, R. (2005). The key to faith: Personal feedback. Management, 162, 40-45.
- Wolf, R. (2004). The ethics of compassion as compared to the ethics of justice. Human Resources, 193, 28-35. (HEB)
- Wolf, R. (2004). How to build a code of ethics in factories and holding companies. Human Resources, 198, 26-30. (HEB)
- Wolf, R. (2004). Compassion – an emotional direction as part of building a moral outlook. Talleli Orot, 11, 288-298. (HEB)
- Wolf, R. (2003). The Song of Songs and human relations. Daf Shvu'ee, The Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
- Wolf, R. (2003). Decision-making in a team and learning from mistakes as means of improving organizational effectiveness. Management, 153/4, 34-36. (HEB)
- Wolf, R. (2003). On the phenomenon of sexual injury in young children within the family. Derech Efrata, 11, 49-60. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. (2002). Education for moral behavior at a young age: Developmental problems and ways of coping. Talleli Orot, 10, 410-435. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. (1999). Violence and aggression among children and youth, ways of coping with the phenomenon through literature. Studies in Children's Literature, 10, 121-138. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. (1997). Moral education through literary work. Derech Efrata, 60-74. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. (1996). The advantage of prayer – strengthening of the person and consideration of prayer's psychological effect on the individual. Derech Efrata, 189-206. (HEB).
- Wolf, R. (1992). Teachers – educators as 'agents of culture'. Skira Chodshit, 4-5, 93-98. (HEB).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 06/02/2023