פרופ' אהוד בודנר
קורות חיים
A. Current Academic Position
Full professor and vice department head
Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences
Music Department
Bar-Ilan University
Office: Building 502.11 Room 11
Office telephone: 972-3-5318122
E-mail: ehud.bodner@biu.ac.il
B. Personal Details
Date of birth: July 04, 1959
Marital status: Married+3
Home address: 15 Hakabaim Street, Ramat-Gan 5225515, Israel
Home telephone/fax number: 972-3-5744580
Mobile number: 972-522-241522
C. Education
1986-1992: PhD, summa cum laude; Bar-Ilan University (Psychology).
Dissertation title: " "Learned helplessness and the occurrence of depressive-like and paranoid-like responses: The role of attentional focus." Supervisor: Prof. Mario Mikulincer.
1983-1986: MA, Tel Aviv University (Clinical Psychology).
1980-1983: BA, Bar-Ilan University (Psychology and Criminology).
D. Academic Positions and Activities
2021-current: Full professor and vice department head Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2018-2021: Full professor and department head Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2016-2018: Full professor, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2012-2016: Associate professor, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2008-2012: Senior Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2001-2008: Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department, Bar-Ilan University.
2000-2001: Research Instructor, Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences, Music Department, Bar-Ilan University.
E. Academic activities
1. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Department
2021-toady: Deputy Head of the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences.
2020-2021: Member of the Council for Higher Education professional committee reviewing the MA program in Gerontology submitted by the Max Stern Yezreel Valley College.
2018-2021: Head of the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences.
2018-2021: Head of the Committee for Graduate studies
2018-2020: Member of the university senate.
2010-2015: Head and team member of the university ethical committee at the Interdisciplinary Department.
2006-2008 A team member and the chairman of the quality assurance committee.
2001-2008: Organizer of the departmental seminar throughout the year
2001-2008 A team member and the chairman of the studying program committee.
2. Music Department
2006-2015 The chairmen of the "Krol" and the "Omer" scholarships
2009-now A team member of the Department's management committee.
2015-now A team member of the Department's advanced study committee.
F. Scholarships and Awards
2012: Excellence in teaching, Bar-Ilan University.
1987: A scholarship for PhD students; Bar-Ilan University.
1985: The M. Fooler Grant for excelling graduate students and a scholarship for MA students; Tel-Aviv University.
1983: The Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty award for achievements in the range of the upper 3 percent of the students in the Psychology Department; Bar-Ilan University.
1982: The Dean of the Social Sciences Faculty award for achievements in the range of the upper 3 percent of the students in the Psychology Department; Bar-Ilan University.
G. Research Grants
2020: Principle investigator: research funded by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF): "The effects of older adult patients' views of aging and departmental ageism on post-hospitalization health." Other PI: Y. Hoffman, & A. Shrira (three-year study, IS 139,000 per year).
2016: Principle investigator: research funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology & Space (MOST): "Subjective age and subjective nearness to death: Their utility in predicting rehabilitation after stroke and osteoporotic fractures." Other PI: A. Shrira, Y. Palgi, & O. Zaslavsky (three-year study, IS 125,000 per year).
2012: Principle investigator: research funded by Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research: "The attitudes of psychiatric hospital managers and workers toward hospitalization and treatment of patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).” Other PI: Prof. Iulian Iancu; Dr. Sara Cohen-Fridel (three-year study, IS 43,33 per year).
1999: Principle investigator: research funded by Israel National Institute for Health Policy Research: "The relationship between type of insurance, time period and length of stay in psychiatric hospitals" (two-year study, IS 25,000 per year).
H. Ad Hoc Reviewer (37 journals)
Aging and Mental Health; Aging & Society; Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics; Archives of Suicide Research; Clinical Gerontologist; Current Psychology; Death Studies; Depression and Anxiety; European Journal of Ageing; Frontiers in Psychology; Emotion & Cognition; Frontiers in Psychiatry; International Journal of Psychology; International Perspectives in Psychology; International Psychogeriatrics; International Perspectives in Psychology; Gerontology; International Journal of Arts and Humanities; International Journal of Psychology; Israel Journal of Psychiatry; Journal of Affective Disorders; Journal of Aging Research; Journal of Anxiety Disorders; Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology; Journal of Happiness Studies; Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences; Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences; Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; Personality and Individual Differences; Psychiatry Research; Psychology and Aging; Psychological Bulletin; Psychology of Music; Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy; Stigma and Health; Stress and Health; The Gerontologist;
I. Grant Reviewer (2 research foundations)
Israeli Science Foundation (ISF); The Israeli National Institute for Health Policy Research
J. Clinical Experience
2015-: Licensed clinical psychologist.
2013-2014: Internship in clinical psychology at Fligelman ('Mazra') Psychiatric hospital, Acre.
2010-2013: Internship in clinical psychology at "Kupat Holim Clalit" - division of psychological services, Kiryat Eliezer, Haifa.
2005: Practicum in clinical psychology at "Kupat Holim Clalit" - division of psychological services, Kiryat Eliezer, Haifa.
2004: Practicum in clinical psychology at "Lev-Hasharon" psychiatric hospital, Pardesiya.
K. Main Research and Professional Interests
My research engages issues relating aging and life span psychology. In this regard I focus on ageism, attachment, death and age perceptions. I’m also interested in psychology of music (social psychology of music, music and emotions), in psychopathology from a cognitive perspective trauma, and in suicide.
L. MA, PhD Students and Postdoctoral Students
Former Postdoctoral students:
- Prof. Yoval Palgi, The faculty of Social welfare and Health Studies. Haifa University. (Feb 2010 – Feb 2022).
- Dr. David Greenberg. Cambridge University. (Oct. 2019 – Oct. 2021).
Former PhD students:
- Michal Yanko: PhD dissertation; The effect of a comprehensive musical program on basic psychological needs of young elementary school children (2015)
- Maya Marom: PhD dissertation; Musical aspects of echolalia: A theoretical examination and implementation to music therapy (co-supervision with Prof.. Avi Gilboa) (2016)
- Michal Tzur Dachoch: PhD dissertation; Music therapy based mindfulness and cognitive treatment for patients with remitted depression (2017) .
- Roni Shifriss: PhD dissertation; The role of music listening in emotion regulation through the life cycle (co-supervision with Dr. Yuval Palgi) (2017).
- Yaffa Hayosh: PhD dissertation; The relation of successful aging to meaning in time perspective, change producing memories and personal characteristics, in the second half of life (co-supervision with Dr. Yuval Palgi). (2017).
- Dr. Halperin Ben-Zvi, Michal*, PhD dissertation; Social networks and the incorporation of others in the self as a function of age and subjective distance to death – A cross-cultural comparison (co-supervision with Prof. Amit Shrira). (2018) *Winner of the Rector's 4-Year Grant for Outstanding PhD Students.
- Dr. Goldbart Anna, PhD dissertation; Emotional complexity and coping with pain and stress (co-supervision with Prof. Amit Shrira). (2019)
- Dr. Haber Yeela: , PhD dissertation; Subjective end-of-life perceptions and depression in old-age: The role of psychological resources (co-supervision with Dr. Yoav Bergman).
- Dr. Cohen Susanna: PhD dissertation; Music performance anxiety and optimal musical performance among professional musicians. (2020)
- Dr. Keren Hazdai: PhD dissertation; State's witnesses: The psychological process of crossing of borders. (2020)
- Dr. Aviya Riabzev: PhD dissertation; Experiencing vocal improvisation among older adults living in the community: Group intervention aiming at improving mental well-being (co-supervision with Dr. Ayelet Dassa). (2021)
- Dr. Levy, Nadav: PhD dissertation; The Effect of Validation and problem solving interventions on Distress, emotion regulation and suicidal behavior reported by patients with Borderline personality disorder (co-supervision with Prof. Eshkol Rafaeli). (2021)
- Dr. Mann Michael: PhD dissertation; Mathematical optimization of decision-making mechanisms in online production communities (co-supervision with Prof. Joel Guttman). (2021)
- Dr. Sulem Aviel: PhD dissertation; Musical expressiveness perception in solo violin performance: From sound producing gestures to verbal and acoustical descriptors (co-supervision with Dr. Noam Amir). (2022)
- Dr. Shragay Sivan: PhD dissertation; The Contribution of Subjective Age and Subjective Well-Being to Attitudes Toward Aging and Mental Health among Multiple Sclerosis Patients. (2022)
Current PhD students:
- Batz Carmel, PhD dissertation; The unique contribution of mental health level and fluctuations in predicting outcomes of age-related medical conditions (co-supervision with Prof. Amit Shrira).
- Brin Aviv, PhD dissertation; Promoting favorable views on aging and minimizing older adults' sedentary behavior: testing underexplored issues within a novel intervention (co-supervision with Prof. Amit Shrira).
- Cohen Zohara, completion track to PhD; The effects of volunteering on successful aging are mediated by views of aging (co-supervision with Prof. Prof. Amit Shrira).
- Goldman Ben, PhD dissertation; Daily Variations in Subjective Views of Longevity and Age, Mental Health, and Engagement of Older Adults: Accounting for the Moderating Effect of Anxieties and Motivations.
- Suberry Assaf, PhD dissertation; "Come Together, Right Now": Synchronous musical activity as a tool to improve empathy and decrease stereotypes between young and older adults.
- Bigon Guy, PhD dissertation; Pathways to Successful Aging: The Role of Death Perceptions and Ageism in the Relationship between Meaning in Life and Mindfulness and their Impact on Successful Aging.
- Katz-Otzar Noa, PhD dissertation; The contribution of life cross-road memories to psychological well-being and views of aging: Bibliotherapeutic group intervention among older people during transition to sheltered housing.
- Buchman Noa, PhD dissertation; The contribution of solitude based interventions for the improvement of wellbeing in adulthood and in old age.
- Lavi Nehama, PhD dissertation; An integrated model of music therapy and mindfulness-based therapy for breast cancer survivors.
- Lital-Gvili, Rachel, PhD dissertation; Generational Dialogs: Studies on Ageism, its Expressions in Israeli Music and its Implications on Grandparent's Grandchildren's Relationship and on Older Adults Will-to-live
- Elyoseph Ronit, PhD dissertation; Reducing Ageism at the Workplace through Virtual Reality.
- Kanagala Sai, PhD dissertation. Ageism and aging perceptions in Israel and in India: a cross-cultural perspective.
Former MA students:
- Tal-Or Hana: MA thesis; Is there"A good enough" repetition in music therapy? (2008)
- Fredkin Dafna: MA thesis; Characteristics of the oriental "tearful songs"("Shirey dikaon") and the role they play among adolescents." (2009)
- Elkaim Michal: MA thesis; The effect of music on the recovery from supra-maximal exercise (2009)
- Aharoni Ronit: MA thesis; Does listening to vocal improvisations promote recognition of emotions in human voice among patients suffering from social phobia? (2010)
- Edna Neuman: MA thesis; Mutual perceptions and attitudes of teachers and music therapists towards music therapy as a profession in mainstream education schools." (2011)
- Einat Assa-Polansky: MA thesis; Perceptions of Music therapist of emotions in musical improvisation as predicting successful therapy – A comparative study. (2012)
- Erez Gorelov: MA thesis; The intergenerational family: ageist perceptions among immigrants from the former USSR and Israeli born. (2012)
- Naomi Levi: MA thesis; The sounds of music talk: An encounter between aging parents and their grown up children through autobiographical music (2015)
- Yochai Z. Shavit: MA thesis; The relationship between emotional complexity and emotion recognition among older and younger adults (co-supervision with Dr. Yuval Palgi) (2016)
- Yael Almong-Bendory: MA thesis; Rhythmical activation with older adults and its impact on self-perceptions: A Community music therapy model perspective (2017).
Current MA students:
- Steinberg-Silman, Yael , MA thesis; The gap in ageist perceptions between oncological medical teams and their patients.
- Yarok, Eilat, MA thesis; The effect of synchronized movement on empathy and ageist attitudes among young and older adults.
M. Conference & Sessions Organization
- Bodner, E. & Shrira, A. (2016). Organizing and chairing of the session: How do older adults cope with stress, trauma and with the aging process? Session included in the 31 st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Bodner, E. (2016). Organizing and chairing of the session: Studies in psychotherapy. Session included in the 2th conference of the Israeli Association for Psychotherapy, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2016). Organizing and chairing of the session: Various issues in coping with aging and death. Session included in the 21th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Bensimon, M. (2016). A study day "An intergenerational transmission of the Holocaust: psychological, biological and therapeutic perspectives”, Bar Ilan University, Israel.
- Bodner, E. & Ayalon, L. (2015). Co-chairing of the session: Before the curtain falls: CBT interventions in old age. Session included in the 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2015). A member of the scientific committee of the congress "CBT: A read to hope and compassion for people in conflict". The 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel.
- Bodner, E. & Zaslavsky, O. (2015). Co-chairing of the session: Beyond Treating Quality of Life as an Outcome: Trajectories and Effects of Quality of Life. Session included in the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
- Bodner, E. & Palgi, Y. (2014). Co-chairing of the session: Positive aging a function of self-perceptions of aging and dying". Session included in the 7th European conference of positive psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Palgi, Y. & Bodner, E. (2014). Co-chairing of the session: Subjective evaluations regarding age and distance to death. Session included in the 20th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2014). Head of the scientific committee of the 5th conference of the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acre, Israel.
- Shrira, A. & Bodner, E. (2013). Organizer of a study day: An Interdisciplinary Outlook on Aging, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2014). Head of the scientific committee of the 4th conference of the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acre, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2013). Head of the scientific committee of the 4th conference of the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acre, Israel.
- Bodner, E. & Sinai, Y. (2012). Co-organization of the 3th conference of the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acre, Israel.
N. Keynote & Invited Presentations
- Bodner, E. (2022)., The Psychology of the Third Age, Ageism and its Effect on Therapists and on Patients. An invited lecture for clinical psychologists, Ministry of Health, Feb-April.
- Bodner, E. (2022)., The Psychology of the Third Age, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy for the Third Age. An invited lecture for clinical psychologists, Ministry of Health, Feb-April.
- Bodner, E. (2022)., The Psychology of the Third Age, Guidelines for the Interpersonal Encounter between Therapists and Older Patients. An invited lecture for clinical psychologists, Ministry of Health, Feb-April.
- Bodner, E. (2021). The Spirit of Men in Aging – A contemporary View in the Psychology of Aging. On Views on Aging and their Association with Older Adults Physical and Mental Health. Invited lecture presented at Tel-Aviv Yafo College, School of Behavioral Sciences, Israel (Zoom lecture).
- Bodner, E. (2020). Music and Society: Studies in the field of Psychology of Music. Invited lecture presented at an the Department of multidisciplinary studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel (Zoom lecture).
- Bodner, E. (2020). Music and Society: Studies in the field of Psychology of Music. Invited lecture presented at an the Department of multidisciplinary studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- Bodner, E. (2019). Advancing the Field of Subjective Aging and Health. On Day-to-Day Variability in Subjective Age and Ageism and their Association with Depressive Symptoms
- Invited lecture presented at an international meeting of scholars in aging, ISF Workshop, 6-8 Feb 19, University of Haifa.
- Bodner, E. (2018). How Ageist Attitudes Affect Mental Health Assessment
and Treatment of Older Adults? Invited Tedx lecture. COST Action IS1402 Ageism from a Multi-National, Interdisciplinary Perspective Event: Towards a World for all Ages, Bratislava, 27-29.6.
O. Conference Presentations and Active Participation in Conferences (ascending).
- Bodner, E. Personal Learned Helplessness and the Formation of Paranoid-like and Depressive-like Reactions: The role of Attentional - Focus. Paper presented at the
Israel Psychological association Congress, Ramat-Gan, Israel, October, 1993. (Hebrew presentation). - Bodner, E. A Model for the Etiology and the treatment of Physical complaints with major emotional factor. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Ramat-Gan, Israel, October, 1993. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner E., Barak, Y., Klayman, N., Ring A., & Elizur, Anxiety reactions among Israeli soldiers during the Gulf War. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Beer-Sheva, Israel, October, 1995. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E. & Drori, A. The military parade situation in the school base as a mean for systematic diagnosis of the unit. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Beer-Sheva, Israel, October, 1995. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E., Barak, Y., Achiron, A., Ring, A. & Stier, S. Perceptual Conformity in Schizophrenic patients: A comparative study with normal controls. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Beer-Sheva, Israel, October, 1995. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E., Einat, H., & Mark, M. Suicide Rates in "Special need Soldiers in the Israeli Defense Forces: a 9 - Years Survey". Paper presented at the International Seminar "Violence and Adolescence". Jerusalem, Israel, November, 1999. (English presentation).
- Mark, M., Bodner, E., Einat, H., Eladad, A., & Shemer. J. Changes in mental health support level policy and their influence on self-injurious behaviors in the Israeli military prison system. Paper presented at the International Seminar "Violence and Adolescence". Jerusalem, Israel, November 1999 (English presentation).
- M Weiser, M., Reichenberg, A., Kaplan, Z., Bodner, E., Rabinowitz, Y., Mark, M., Nahon, D., Davidson, M. (1999). Non-psychotic Psychiatric Diagnoses in Adolescence as Risk Factors for Schizophrenia: A Follow-up Study. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of American Congress of Neuro-psychophermacology, Acapulco, Mexico. (English presentation).
- Gillath, O., Bodner, E., Mark M., & Kaplan Z. The influence of a supplier-insurer contract on patterns of psychiatric hospitalizations and on their scope. Paper presented at the Israel Psychiatric association Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, April, 2000. (English presentation).
- Bodner, E., Zohar, Y., Shaklar, R., Mikulincer, M., Zinger, Y., Gilath, O. Kaplan, Z. & Solomon, Z. PTSD victims of the Lebanese war: An eighteen years follow-up. Paper presented at the Israel Psychiatric association Congress, Jerusalem, Israel, April, 2000. (English presentation).
- Bodner, E., Gilat, O., Doron, M., Ashkenzi, M., & Kaplan, Z. A case of psychotic and PTSD symptoms developed during a rescue mission – the question of two different diagnosis. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E., Ben-Arzi, A., Einat, H. Gilat, O., & Kaplan, Z. The mental classification during the reception phase to the military prison. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E., Gilat, O., Doron, M., Ashkenzi, M., & Kaplan, Z. A comparative study of the effect of traumatic event on members of rescue team for the victims of the Turkey’s Erthquake. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E. Mikulincer, M. Izak, R., Mark, M. & Kaplan, Z. The relationship between soldiers and their direct commanders and their implications on the health and level of functioning of the soldier. Paper presented at the Israel Psychological association Congress, Haifa, Israel, June, 2000. (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E. The invasion of Normandy - using the principles of suggestion as a way to understand the deception plan. Paper presented at the 1515 International Congress of Hypnosis. Munich (October 2000).
- Bodner, E. Leaning and e-learning in a large course at Bar-Ilan University. Paper presented at the Meital Conference. Tel-Aviv (February, 2004). (Hebrew presentation).
- Bodner, E., Mazor, A., Gilboa, A., & Amir, D. Putting the Sad Affect of Music into Words as a Way to Communicate with the Depressive Patient. Paper presented at the 6 th European Music Therapy Congress. Jyväskylä, Finland (June, 2004).
- Bodner, E., Shevach, O., Lukovetsky E., Avni1, Y., & Ron, Y. Psychopathology and Quality of Life Among Patients With Chronic Idiopathic Constipation: a Comparison to Healthy Controls. Poster presented at the 12th United European Gastroenterology Week "UEGW 2004" Prague, Czech Republic, (September, 2004).
- Bodner, E., Gilba, A., Amir, D. Emotional communicability in improvised music: the case of music therapists. Paper presented at the 11 th World Congress of Music Therapy, Australia (July, 2005).
- Bodner, E., Gilba, A., Amir, D. Songs as cultural icons: The case of the Israeli society. Poster presented at the 11 th World Congress of Music Therapy, Australia (July, 2005).
- Bodner, E. Songs as Death Reminders and Tranquilizers: Deliberate and Natural Music Therapy under the Threat of Death. Paper presented at the 7th European Music Therapy Congress in the Netherlands (August 2007).
- Bodner, E. Delegitimization of Suicides through Media Reports: The Effect of Similarity between the Young Reader and the Deceased. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Understanding Youth Suicide: A Meeting of Differing Perspectives. Ma'ale HaChmisha Conference Center, Judean Hills, Israel (March, 2008).
- Bodner, E., & Gilba, A. "Friendship, we bear you without words: Do memorial songs have the power to change attitudes in the Israeli public?". Paper presented at the national conference of the Israeli Society of Musicology, Jerusalem: The Hebrew University, Israel (June, 2008).
- Bodner E., Ben-Artzi E., & Kaplan Z. Soldiers who kill themselves: the contribution of dispositional and situational factors. Paper presented at the 12th European Symposium On Suicide & Suicidal Behaviour (ESSSB12), Thistle Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland (August 2008).
- Bodner, E., Gilba, A. "Can songs bring conflicting groups closer together? Paper presented at the Nordic Conference of Music Therapy, Aalborg, Denmark (May, 2009).
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. "On the relations between attachment styles, ageism and Quality of life in late life." Paper presented at the 18 th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society. Tel-Aviv, Israel (February, 2010).
- Bodner, E., & Iancu, I. "Recalling the threat: Dental anxiety in patients waiting for dental surgery." Poster presented at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America's (ADAA) 30 th Annual Conference Anxiety Across the Lifespan: Practical Integration of Basic and Clinical Approaches, Baltimore, Maryland, US (March, 2010).
- Iancu, I., Lupinsky, Y., Barenboim, D., & Bodner, E. Negative and positive automatic thoughts in social anxiety disorders. Poster presented at the 18 th European Congress of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany (March 2010).
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. "On the relations between attachment styles, ageism and Quality of life in late life." Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference. Herzliya, Israel (July, 2010).
- Cohen-Fridel, S &Bodner, E. "The paths from relations to others and our death fears to ageism." Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference. Herzliya, Israel (July, 2010).
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. & Iancu, I. Staff attitudes towards patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Poster presented at the 13th European Symposium on Suicide and Suicidal Behaviour." Rome (September 2010).
- Bodner, E., & Aharoni, R. Improving happiness recognition in human voice among people suffering from social anxiety. Poster presented at the 19th European Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna (March 2011).
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. Perceived quality of life and ageism among elderly people living in sheltered housing and in the community. Poster presented at the the 19th European Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna (March 2011).
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. & Iancu, I. Staff attitudes towards patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Poster presented at the 19th European Congress of Psychiatry, Vienna (March 2011).
- Bodner, E., & Fradkin, D. The functions of "oriental tearful songs" for Israeli adolescents. Paper presented at the 2011 WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Seoul (July 2011).
- Bodner, E. Recognizing emotions in improvised music in a multi-cultural setting: is it possible? Paper presented at the 2011 WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Seoul (July 2011).
- Bodner, E., Gilba, A. "Can songs bring conflicting groups closer together? Paper presented at the 2011 WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Seoul (July 2011).
- Eliakim, M., Eliakim, A., Bodner, E. Effect of motivational music and rhythm on recovery from intense exercise. Poster presented at the 2011 WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Seoul (July 2011).
- Marom, M. Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. The Musical Aspects of Echolalia: Implications to Music Therapy. Paper presented at the 2011 WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Seoul (July 2011).
- Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y., Cohen-Fridel, S. Sharira, A., & Ben-Ezra, M. Attachment measures which predict death anxiety among younger and older adults. Paper presented at the 19th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society. Tel-Aviv, Israel (February, 2012).
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. The paths leading from attachment to ageism. Paper to be presented at the 19th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society. Tel-Aviv, Israel (February, 2012).
- Bodner, E., Bergman, Y.S. & Cohen-Fridel, S. From funk rock to the rocking chair: Ageism along the life cycle. Poster presented at the 19th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society. Tel-Aviv, Israel (February, 2012).
- Iancu, I., Ram, E., Bodner, E., Jourbran, M. Social Anxiety and perfectionism and among Arab-Israelis: a comparative study. Paper presented at the 14th national conference of the Israeli Psychiatric Association. Tel-Aviv, Israel (May 2012).
- Bodner, E., & Neuman, E. Collaboration between school teachers and music therapists: Mapping out the obstacles. Paper presented at the 7th Nordic Music therapy Congress, Jyväskylä, Finland (June, 2012).
- Bergman, Y.S. & Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. Meaningful attachment: The effects of attachment patterns and ageism on meaning in life across adulthood. Paper presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology 2012 - Cape Town, South Africa (July, 2012).
- Bodner, E., Bergman, Y.S. & Cohen-Fridel, S. Ageism in a Middle-Eastern cultural context: differences between Israeli Arabs and Jews. Paper presented at the IACCP 21st International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Stellenbosch, South Africa (July, 2012).
- Bodner, E., Bergman, Y.S. & Cohen-Fridel, S. Be your age: Effects of perceived "age-appropriate behaviors" of older adults on compassion and ageism. Paper presented at the 30th International Congress of Psychology 2012 - Cape Town, South Africa (July, 2012).
- Bodner, E., & Bensimon, M. Is problem music a problem? The relations between problem music, attitudes toward the body, tattoos, personality traits and delinquency. Poster at the 14th European Symposium of Suicide & Suicidal Behavior, Tel-Aviv (September, 2012).
- Bodner, E., & Canetto, S. Is suicide by older, ill persons more acceptable than suicide by younger, healthy persons? A study of attitudes in Israel. Paper presented at the 14th European Symposium of Suicide & Suicidal Behavior, Tel-Aviv (September, 2012).
- Iancu, I., Bodner, E., Ram E. Social anxiety and perfectionism among Jewish and Arab students: a comparative study. Paper presented at the International Conference on Cultural Psychiatry in Mediterranean Countries. Tel Aviv (November, 2012).
- Shifriss, R., Bodner, E., Palgi, Y. When you're down and troubled: Views on the regulatory power of music. Poster presented at the 9th European Music Therapy Congress. Oslo (August 2013).
- Palgi, Y. & Bodner, E. Subjective evaluations in regard to age and distance to death. Chair of session at the 20th Gerontology Israeli conference. Tel-Aviv (January 2014).
- Bodner, E., Palgi, Y., & Kaveh, D. Does the relationship between affect complexity and self-esteem differ in the young-old and the old-old? Paper presented at the 20th Gerontology Israeli conference. Tel-Aviv (January 2014).
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., Ben-Ezra. M., & Bodner, E. The effect of self-perceptions of aging and dying on psychological distress of older adults. Paper presented at the 20th Gerontology Israeli conference. Tel-Aviv (January 2014).
- Kav'e, G., Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., & Bodner, E. The moderated role of life expectancy on the association between morbidity and mortality and cognitive functioning. Paper presented at the 20th Gerontology Israeli conference. Tel-Aviv (January 2014).
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. Who said the table does not lie? The discrepancy between expected life expectancy and life tables and the will to live. Paper presented at the 20th Gerontology Israeli conference. Tel-Aviv (January 2014).
- Shifris, R. Bodner, E. & Palgi, Y. When you're down and troubled: Views on the regulatory power of music. Paper presented at the 20th Gerontology Israeli conference. Tel-Aviv (January 2014).
- Bergman, Y. S., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2014). Attachment patterns moderate the relationship between subjective closeness to death and meaning in life. Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Bergman, Y. S., & Cohen-Fridel, S. (2014). Can ageists age successfully? Age and death anxieties are negatively related to subjective successful aging through ageism. Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., Ben-Ezra, M., & Bodner, E. (2014). How do subjective age and subjective closeness to death interact in regulating subjective successful aging? Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2014). The will to live and subjective life expectancy of older adults. Paper presented at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology. Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Bodner, E., & Bensimon, M. (2014). Problem music and its different shades over its fans. Poster presented at the 14th World Congress of Music Therapy, Krems, Austria.
- Bodner, E., & Assa-Polansky, E. (2014). Music Therapists' Views on "Negative" and "Positive" Emotions as Predicting Meaningful Therapy. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of Music Therapy, Krems, Austria.
- Cohen, S., & Bodner, E. (2014). Can music therapy reduce music performance anxiety and facilitate peak musical performance? Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of Music Therapy, Krems, Austria.
- Levy, N., Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. Developing a model for creating musical life review with elderly people. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of Music Therapy, Krems, Austria.
- Bodner, E., Bergman, Y. (2014). Music to Remember: The power of music in decreasing in-group favoritism between Arabs and Jews in Israel. Poster presented at the 14th World Congress of Music Therapy, Krems, Austria.
- Bodner, E., Bergman, Y. (2014). Music to Remember: The power of music in decreasing in-group favoritism between Arabs and Jews in Israel. Paper presented at the 22nd International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Reims, France.
- Bergman, Y. S., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2014). Attachment moderates the relationship between subjective closeness to death and meaning in life. Paper presented at the 67th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington, USA.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Bergman, Y. S., & Cohen-Fridel, S. (2014). Death and aging anxiety, emotional complexity, and psychological distress. Paper presented at the 67th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington, USA.
- Kavé, G., Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., & Bodner, E. (2014). Evaluation of life expectancy is related to functioning, especially when actual death is close. Paper presented at the 67th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington, USA.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2014). The interactive effect of subjective closeness to death and subjective age on distress. Paper presented at the 67th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington, USA.
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2014). Age, subjective closeness to death, subjective age and emotional complexity. Paper presented at the 67th annual meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. Washington, USA.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Palgi, Y. (2015). Specific dimensions of meaning in life predict subjective successful aging at the second half of life. Paper presented at the 1st International Congress of Logotherapy in Israel. Haifa, Israel.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2015). The interactive effect of subjective age and subjective distance-to-death on meaning in life. Paper presented at the 1st International Congress of Logotherapy in Israel. Haifa, Israel.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Zaslavsky, O., Pagli, Y. (2015). Subjective Age as a Mediator of the Reciprocal Relationship between Satisfaction with Aging and Functional Limitation. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Bergman, Y. Cohen-Fridel, S. & Pagli, Y. (2015). Emotional Complexity Attenuates the Negative Effect of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms on Satisfaction with Aging. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress, Dublin, Ireland.
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Pagli, Y. (2015). Younger Subjective Age Mitigates the Adverse Effect of Daily Stress on the Emotional Experience of Traumatized Individuals. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
- Pagli, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2015). The Association between Posttraumatic stress Disorder Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth among Older Adults: Subjective Age and Distance-to-Death as Moderators. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
- Bergman, Y. Shrira, A., Bodner, E (2015). Ageing and Dying Anxieties among Second-Generation Holocaust Survivors: The Role of Parental Communication and Attachment Patterns. The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
- Bodner, E. (2015). The Three-year conference of the Israeli psychiatry association. Panel on an unfair influence in aging, at the modern family era. Hangar 11, Tel-Aviv port. Israel
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Bergman, Y. Cohen-Fridel, S. & Pagli, Y. (2015). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Satisfaction with Aging: The Moderating Role of Emotional Complexity. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Pagli, Y. (2015). Feeling Young and Less Troubled: A Youthful Subjective Age Buffers the Negative Effect of Daily Hassles. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Cohen-Fridel, S., Hoffman, Y. S. G., Bodner, E., Shrira, A. (2015). PSTD Symptoms as a Function of the Interactive Effect of Subjective Age and Subjective Distance-to-Death along the Life-Span. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Pagli, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2015). Subjective Age and Distance-to-Death as Moderators of the Association between Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms and Posttraumatic Growth among Older Adults. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Bergman, Y. Shrira, A., Bodner, E (2015). Ageing and Dying Anxieties among Second-Generation Holocaust Survivors: The Role of Parental Communication and Attachment Patterns. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Hoffman, Y. S. G., Shrira, A, & Bodner, E. (2015). Priming Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms among Individuals Exposed to African Working Refugees' Violence. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Hoffman, Y. S. G., Cohen-Fridel, S., Bodner, E., Grossman, E., Shrira, A. (2015).The Interactive Effect of Framing and Priming on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Bensimon, M., Bodner, E., & Shrira, A. (2015).The Emotional Impact of Musical Context on Young and Old Individuals with High Levels of Posttraumatic Symptoms. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), Tel Aviv University, Israel.
- Levy, N., Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. (2015). Developing a model for creating musical life review with elderly people: A preliminary inquiry. Paper presented at the 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel
- Cohen, S., & Bodner, E. (2015). Music performance anxiety and peak musical performance amongst classical musicians. Paper presented at the 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel
- Tzur-Dachoach, M. Bodner, E. (2015). The effect of cognitive therapy combining mindfulness and listening to music on the emotional regulation of remitted patients with major depressive disorder. Paper presented at the 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel
- Grossman, E., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2015). Chronic sleep complaints in older adults. Paper presented at the 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel
- Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., Mashiah, M., Segal, M., Grinshpoon, A., Fischel, T., & Iancu, I. (2015). The Attitudes of Psychiatric Hospital Staff Toward Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Paper presented at the 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel.
- Bergman, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). The moderating role of attachment patterns in the relationship between parental communication and aging and dying anxieties among offspring of Holocaust survivors. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Palgi, Y. (2016). Specific dimensions of meaning in life predict subjective successful aging in the second half of life. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Cohen-Fridel, S., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). The interaction between subjective age, subjective nearness to death and psychological distress: A diary study. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Halperin, M., Bodner, E., & Shrira, A. (2016). The relationship between perceptions of the future, social networks and physical and mental health at late-life. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). The meaning of years: the relationship between subjective age, subjective closeness to death and meaning in life. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bergman, Y., Hoffman, Y., Cohen-Fridel, S., Bodner, E., & Shrira, A. (2016). The effects of perceived media control on post-traumatic stress symptoms: The moderating role of prejudicial attitudes. Paper presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Bergman, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). The moderating role of attachment patterns in the relationship between parental communication and aging and dying anxieties among offspring of Holocaust survivors. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., Yaakov, Hoffman, & Shrira, A. (2016). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms as a function of the interactive effect of subjective age and subjective distance-to-death along the life-span. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Bergman, Y. S., Cohen-Firdel, S., & Grossman, E. S. (2016). The interaction between aging and death anxieties predict ageism. Paper presented at the 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Tampere, Finland.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Palgi, Y. (2016). Posttraumatic reactions and mental health dimensions: Findings from the Longitudinal Survey of Older Adults Exposed to Missile Attacks in Southern Israel. Paper presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Palgi, Y. (2016). Specific dimensions of meaning in life predict subjective successful aging in the second half of life. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Cohen-Fridel, S., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). The interaction between subjective age, subjective nearness to death and psychological distress: A diary study. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., & Grossman, E. (2016). The relationship between missile warning time and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in young and older adults. Paper presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., & Grossman, E. (2016). The relationship between trauma exposure and PTSD symptoms is moderated by the mutual effects of one's control over media exposure in conjunction with external locus of control. Paper presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., & Grossman, E. (2016). The relationship between missile warning time and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in young and older adults. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Cohen-Fridel, S., Grossman, E., & Bodner, E. (2016). Subjective age, subjective nearness-to-death and trauma-related symptoms: evidence from two studies. Paper presented at the 23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Tampere, Finland.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). The interactive effect of subjective age and subjective closeness-to-death on meaning in life. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). The meaning of years: the relationship between subjective age, subjective closeness to death and meaning in life. Paper presented at the 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2016). The reciprocal effects of posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and subjective age: Findings from the Longitudinal Survey of Older Adults Exposed to Missile Attacks in Southern Israel. Paper presented at the 37th STAR conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2016). Feeling young and less troubled: a youthful subjective age buffers the negative effect of daily hassles. Paper presented at the 31st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Bodner, E., & Shrira, A. (2016). How do older adults cope with stress, trauma and with the aging process?, 31 st International Congress of Psychology, Israel, Session Organizer. Jul 24
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. (2016). Music in a multicultural society: Emotion recognition in improvised music among different cultural groups in Israel, IACCP2016 - 23rd International Congress, Japan, Contributed, Jul 30, 2016.
- Bergman, Y., Horenczyk, G., & Bodner, E., Aging anxieties and life satisfaction among Palestinian-Arabs in Israel: The moderating role of religion, IACCP2016 - 23rd International Congress of International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology, Japan, Contribute, Jul 30.
- Ben-Ezra, M., Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Grossman, E., Cohen-fride, S., & Bodner, E., Who Is Afraid of ISIS? (2017). Associations of ISIS Anxiety with Media, 38th STAR Conference, China, Contributed. Jul 5.
- Bergman, Y., Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Grossman, E., Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2017). Sleeping with the Enemy: Anxiety Regarding the ISIS Threat Is Related to Sleep Problems, 38th STAR conference, China, Contributed. Jul 5.
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Grossman, E., Bodner, E., Cohen-Firdel, S., Ben-Ezra, M., & Bodner, E. (2017). Shadows of the Past and Threats of the Future: ISIS Anxiety among Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors, 38th STAR conference, China, Contributed. Jul 5.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Palgi, Y. (2017).Younger Subjective Age, Daily Hassles and Passive Death Wishes in Adulthood and Late life, The 21 st IAGG 2017 World Congress, United States, Contributed. Jul 23.
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., Hoffman, Y., & Palgi, Y. (2017). Subjective Aging and Emotional Complexity of Traumatized Older Adults., The 21 st IAGG 2017 World Congress, United States, Contributed. Jul 23.
- Bodner, E. (2018). How ageist attitudes affect mental health assessment and treatment of older adults?, (2018). COST Action IS1402 Ageism, Spain, Contributed. Jul 5
- Bodner, E., Cohen-Fridel, S., Hoffman, Y., & Shrira, A. (2018). The Moderating Effect of Ageism on the Connection between Body Image and Successful Subjective Aging in Older Adults, The 22st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Israel, Contributed. Feb 11
- , Bergman, Y., & Bodner, E. (2018). Loneliness and Depressive Symptoms: The Moderating Role of Anticipated Life Expectancy, The 22st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Israel, Contributed. Feb 12
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Bergman, Y. (2018). The Importance of the Grandparent-Grandchildren Bond as a Mediator of Subjective Nearness to Death and Life Satisfaction, The 22st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Israel, Contributed. Feb 12.
- Bodner, E. (2018). How ageist attitudes affect mental health assessment and treatment of older adults? Tedx talk, Towards a World for all Ages: Ageism from a Multi-National, Interdisciplinary Perspective, Slovenia, Contributed. Jun 29
- Levy, N., Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. (2018). Creating Musical Life Stories with Elderly People, Narrative Matters 2018, Netherlands, Contributed. Jul 2.
- Bodner, E., Hajos, Y., & Palgi, Y. (2018). Trajectories of meaning in life and life crossroads as a road for aging well, Narrative Matters 2018, Netherlands, Contributed. Jul 2
- Hojas, Y., Palgi, Y., & Bodner, E. (2018). Life-crossroads and narrative identity, Narrative Matters 2018: The ABCs of Narrative, Netherlands, Contributed. Jul 2
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Bergman, Y. (2018). The Connection between Aging Anxiety and Ageism is Moderated by Bond Importnce with Grandparents, 39th STAR Conference, Poland, Contributed. Jul 10
- Koren, A., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Bergman, E. (2018). Subjective nearness-to-death and attitudes toward disability: The moderating role of attachment patterns, 39th STAR conference, Poland, Contributed. Jul 10
- Bergman, Y., & Bodner, E. (2018). Is ignorance bliss? The connection between age awareness, subjective nearness-to-death, self-esteem and depression in older adults., the 39th STAR conference, Poland, Contributed Jul 10
- Cohen, S., Bodner, E., & Bergman, Y. (2018). Cultural differences in ageism and aging anxieties: Evidence from Jews and Arabs in Israel, the 39th STAR conference, Poland, Contributed. Jul 10
- Bergman, Y., & Bodner, E., Is Ignorance Bliss? (2018). The connection between age awareness, subjective nearness-to-death, self-esteem and depression in older adults. The Connection between Age Awareness, Subjective Nearness-To-Death, Self-Esteem and Depression in Older Adults, 39th STAR Conference, Poland, Contributed.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2019). The meaning of years: the relationship between subjective age, subjective closeness to death and meaning in life, The 21st Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Israel, Contributed. Jan 1
- Palgi, Y., Avidor, S., Shrira, A., Bodner, E., Ben-Ezra, M., Zaslavsky, O., & Hoffman, Y. (2019). Perception counts: The relationships of inner perception of trauma and PTSD symptoms across time, The 40th STAR conference, Spain, Contributed. Jan 1
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Hoffman, Y., Palgi, Y., & Bergman, Y. (2019). On day-today variability in perceptions of age discrimination and ageism, ISF Workshop Advancing the field of subjective aging, Israel, Contributed. Feb 4
- Bodner, E., Hoffman, Y., Mor, S., Buchman, N., Segel_Karpas, F., & Palgi, Y. (2019). The contribution of Mood regulation through music listening, successful aging and their interaction to positive solitude at the second half of life, Towards Capability in Ageing – from cell to society, Sweden, Contributed. May 23
- Bodner, E., Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Cohen-Fridel, S., & Palgi, Y. (2019). A light in a sea of darkness: The moderating role of emotional complexity in the PTSD symptoms successful aging association, Towards Capability in Ageing – from cell to society, Sweden, Contributed. May 23
- Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Heyman, N., Zaslavsky, O., & Bodner, E. (2019). A diary study on subjective age during rehabilitation following osteoporotic fractures and cerebrovascular disease, Towards Capability in Ageing – from cell to society, Sweden, Contributed. May 23
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Pagli, Y. (2019). The reciprocal effects of health anxieties and physical functioning are mediated by attitudes to aging, the 40th STAR conference, Spain, Contributed. Jul 9
- Segel-Karpas, D., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2019). Daily fluctuations in subjective age and mental health: The roles of chronological age and attitudes to aging. Paper presented at the GSA Annual Scientific Meeting. Austin, USA.
- Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Heyman, N., Zaslavsky, O., & Bodner, E. (2019). A microlongitudinal assessment of subjective age and mental health during
- Riabzev, A., & Bodner, E. (2020). The 16th World Congress of Music Therapy (online world congress), Vocal music therapy improvisation among community-dwelling older adults: Group intervention aiming at improving subjective wellbeing, South Africa, Contribute (Zoom presentation). Jul 7
- Cohen, S., & Bodner, E. (2020). The 16th World Congress of Music Therapy (online world congress), Skills for empowering trainee music therapists to develop confidence, South Africa, Contributed (Zoom presentation). Jul 8
- Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Haymen, N., Zaslavsky, O., & Bodner, E. (2020). Daily perceptions of aging and mental health during rehabilitation from acute medical conditions. Paper presented at the 23rd Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
P. Organization of sessions, study days and conferences (ascending).
- Bodner, E. & Sinai, Y. (2012). Co-organization of the 3th conference of the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acre, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2013). Head of the scientific committee of the 4th conference of the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acre, Israel.
- Shrira, A. & Bodner, E. (2013). Organizer of a study day: An Interdisciplinary Outlook on Aging, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2014). Head of the scientific committee of the 5th conference of the Israeli Association for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Acre, Israel.
- Palgi, Y. & Bodner, E. (2014). Co-chairing of the session: Subjective evaluations regarding age and distance to death. Session included in the 20th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E. & Palgi, Y. (2014). Co-chairing of the session: Positive aging a function of self-perceptions of aging and dying". Session included in the 7th European conference of positive psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Bodner, E. & Zaslavsky, O. (2015). Co-chairing of the session: Beyond Treating Quality of Life as an Outcome: Trajectories and Effects of Quality of Life. Session included in the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
- Bodner, E. (2015). A member of the scientific committee of the congress "CBT: A read to hope and compassion for people in conflict". The 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel.
- Bodner, E. & Ayalon, L. (2015). Co-chairing of the session: Before the curtain falls: CBT interventions in old age. Session included in the 45th Annual EABCT Congress in Jerusalem, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2016). Organizing and chairing of the session: Various issues in coping with aging and death. Session included in the 21th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E. (2016). Organizing and chairing of the session: Studies in psychotherapy. Session included in the 2th conference of the Israeli Association for Psychotherapy, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Bodner, E. & Shrira, A. (2016). Organizing and chairing of the session: How do older adults cope with stress, trauma and with the aging process? Session included in the 31 st International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan.
- Bodner, E., & Shrira, A. (2018). Organizer of a study day: The wonders of age: Aging perceptions and coping with morbidity. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.
1) חקר הזקנה
2) פסיכולוגיה של המוזיקה
3) פסיכופתולוגיה
4) אובדנות
1. Gerontology & Life Span Psychology (Ageism, Attachment, Death and Age Perceptions).,
2. Psychology of music (social psychology of music, music and emotions)
3. Psychopathology (a cognitive perspective)
4. Suicide
החוג המשולב למדעי החברה
טיפול קוגניטיבי-התנהגותי בזקנים - CBT
פרקטיקום בגרונטולוגיה - Practicum
סמינריון אמפירי: "גילנות (ageism) לאורך מעגל החיים ובראי תיאוריות חברתיות"
המחלקה למוזיקה
"פסיכופתולוגיה" - שנה א'
"תורת הראיון הטיפולי" - שנה ב'
"גישות בפסיכותרפיה" - שנה ב'
"קבוצת תרפיה במוזיקה" - שנה א' ושנה ב'
סמינריון אמפירי: "מחקר כמותי" - שנה א' ושנה ב'
Q. Publications
Publications in refereed journals
- Tolmacz, R., Lev-Ari, L., Bachner-Melman, R. , Palgi, Y., Bodner, E.., Feldman, D., Chakir, R., Ben-David, B. (accepted for publication). Sense of relationship entitlement of aging parents toward their offspring. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Efrati, Z., Palgi, Y., Greenblatt-Kimron, L., Bodner, E. (accepted for publication). The moderating effect of care-burden on formal caregiver's mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic, International Journal of Older People Nursing
- Kalir, D. M., Shrira, A., Plagi, Y., Batz, C., Ben-Wliezer, A. B., Heyman, N., Lieberman, D., Seleznev, I., Shugaev, I., Saslavsky, O., Zikrin, E., Bodner, E. (accepted for publication). Feeling Younger, Rehabilitating Better: Reciprocal and Mediating Effects between Subjective Age and Functional Independence in Osteoporotic Fracture and Stroke Patients Gerontology
- Bergman, Y.S., Palgi, Y., Ben-David, B.M., & Bodner, E.. (in press). COVID-19 Vaccinations and Anxiety in Middle-Aged and Older Jews and Arabs in Israel: The Moderating Roles of Ethnicity and Subjective Age, Journal of Applied Gerontology. https://doi.org/10.1177/07334648221092029
- Weissberger, G., Bodner, E.., Palgi, Y., Kavé, G., Shmotkin, D., & Shrira, A.(in press). The association between views of aging and subjective cognitive complaints in older adults: Findings from two samples. Research on Aging. https://doi.org/10.1177/01640275211065150
- Bodner, E.. (in press). The importance of self-perceptions of aging in predicting late-life loneliness. International Psychogeriatrics. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610221002830
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., & Palgi, Y. (in press). Attitudes to aging mediate the reciprocal effects of health anxiety and physical functioning. Psychology & Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2021.1956496
- Bodner, E.., Bergman, Y.S., Shiloh-Levin, S., & Hoffman, Y.S.G. (in press). The interactive effect of aging anxiety and age awareness on meaning in life and psychological distress: A moderated mediation model. Current Psychology
- https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02156-x
- Riabzev, A., Dassa, A., & Bodner, E. (2022). " My Voice is who I am"-Vocal Improvisation Group Work with Healthy Community-Dwelling Older Adults. In Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy, 22, No. 1, https://doi.org/10.15845/voices.v22i1.3125).
- Sulem, A., Bodner, E.., & Amir, A. (in press). Perception of violin performance expression through expressive musical terms Musicae Scientia. https://doi.org/10.1177/10298649211051018
- Segel-Karpas, D., Shrira, A., Cohn-Schwartz, E., & Bodner, E.. (in press). Daily fluctuations in subjective age and depressive symptoms: The roles of attitudes to ageing and chronological age. European Journal of Ageing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10433-021-00681-z
- Bodner, E.., Bergman, Y.S., Ben-David, B.M., & Palgi, Y. (2022). Vaccination anxiety when vaccinations are available: The role of existential concerns. Stress and Health, 38(1), 111-118. https://doi.org/10.1002/smi.3079
- Goldbart, A., Bodner, E.., & Shrira, A.(2021). The role of emotion covariation and psychological flexibility in coping with chronic physical pain: An integrative model. Psychology and Health, 36(11), 1299-1313. https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2020.1841766
- Halperin Ben Zvi, M., Bodner, E.., & Shrira, A. (2021). Qualities of social relationships as mediators of the relationship between future perceptions and health. Aging and Mental Health, 25(10), 1967-1975. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2020.1753012
- Palgi, Y., Bergman, Y.S., Ben-David, B., & Bodner, E. (2021). No psychological vaccination: Vaccine hesitancy is associated with negative psychiatric outcomes among Israelis who received COVID-19 vaccination. Journal of Affective Disorders, 287, 352-353. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2021.03.064
- Bodner, E.., Bergman, Y. S., Shiloh-Levin, S., & Hoffman, Y. S. G. (2021). The interactive effect of aging anxiety and age awareness on meaning in life and psychological distress: A moderated mediation model. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02156-x
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- Greenblatt-Kimron, L., Ring, L., Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E.., & Palgi, Y. (2021). Subjective accelerated aging moderates the association between COVID-19 worries and peritraumatic distress among older adults. Global Mental Health, 8, e16. https://doi.org/10.1017/gmh.2021.13
- Palgi, Y., Segel-Karpas, D., Mor, S. O., Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2021). Positive solitude scale: Theoretical background, development and validation. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, 3357-3384. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-021-00367-4
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- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2021). PTSD symptoms, daily subjective age and psychological distress in old adults. GeroPsych: The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry, 34(4), 179-188.
- Bergman, Y. S., Cohen-Fridel, S., Shrira, A., Bodner, E.., & Palgi, Y. (2020). COVID-19 health worries and anxiety symptoms among older adults: The moderating role of ageism. International Psychogeriatrics, 32(11), 1371-1375. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1041610220001258
- Bergman, Y.S., Bodner, E.., Koren, E., & Haber, Y. (2020). The mediating role of will-to-live in the connection between subjective age and depressive symptoms in late life. Personality and Individual Differences, 157, 109811. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2020.109811
- Bergman, Y.S., & Bodner, E.. (2020). Age is not just a number: Age awareness, subjective nearness-to-death, self-esteem, and depressive symptoms among older adults. Aging & Mental Health, 24(6), 906-913. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2019.1566815
- Greenberg, D. M., Bodner, E.., Shrira, A., & Fricke, K. R. (2021). Decreasing stress through a spatial audio and immersive 3D environment: A pilot study with implications for clinical and medical settings. Music & Science, 4, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/2059204321993992
- Hoffman, Y.S.G., Grossman, E.S., Bergman, Y.S., & Bodner, E.. (2021). The link between social anxiety and intimate loneliness is stronger for older adults than for younger adults. Aging & Mental Health, 25(7), 1246-1253. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2020.1774741
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E.., & Palgi, Y. (2020). Response to van Orden's commentary on "COVID-19 related loneliness and psychiatric symptoms among older adults: The buffering role of subjective age." American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28(11), 1208-1209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jagp.2020.08.014
- Koren, E., Shrira, A., Bodner, E.., & Bergman, Y. S. (2020). Subjective nearness-to-death and negative attitudes toward persons with disability: Attachment patterns moderate. Death Studies, 44, 312-318. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481187.2018.1544949
- Marom, M., Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. (2020). Countertransference responses of one music therapist to autistic echolalia. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 29(3), 222-239. https://doi.org/10.1080/08098131.2019.1696391
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., Ring, L., Bodner, E.., Avidor, S., Bergman, Y., Cohen-Fridel, S., Keisari, S., & Hoffman, Y. (2020). The loneliness pandemic: Loneliness and other concomitants of depression, anxiety and their comorbidity during the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of Affective Disorders, 275, 109-111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.06.036
- Shifriss, R., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2020). Don’t let me down: The effect of age and chosen music on mood is moderated by focus on emotions. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 15(2), 254-266. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2019.1590625
- Shrira, A., Hoffman, Y., Bodner, E.., & Palgi, Y. (2020). COVID-19 related loneliness and psychiatric symptoms among older adults: The buffering role of subjective age. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28(11), 1200-1204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jagp.2020.05.018
- Shrira, A., Segel-Karpas, D., Bodner, E.., & Palgi, Y. (2020). Subjective age and emotion covariation: Findings from two daily experience studies. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 75, 991-1000. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gby125
- Cohen, S., & Bodner, E. (2019). The relationship between flow and music performance anxiety amongst professional classical orchestral musicians. Psychology of Music, 47(3), 420-435. https://doi.org/10.1177/0305735618754689
- Sulem, A., Amir, N., & Bodner, E. (2019). Perception-based classification of expressive musical terms: Toward a parameterization of musical expressiveness. Music Perception, 37 (2), 147-164. https://doi.org/10.1525/mp.2019.37.2.147
- Cohen, S., & Bodner, E. (2019). Music performance skills: A two-pronged approach–facilitating optimal music performance and reducing music performance anxiety. Psychology of Music, 47(4), 521-538. https://doi.org/10.1177/0305735618765349
- Cohen, S., & Bodner, E. (2019). Flow and music performance anxiety: The influence of contextual and background variables. Musicae Scientiae: the journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music. https://doi.org/10.1177/1029864919838600
- Bodner, E.., & Bergman, Y.S. (2019). The utility of a positive body image among community-dwelling older adults who perceive death to be near and fear it. Research on Aging, 41(8), 751-771. https://doi.org/10.1177/0164027519845115
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., Avidor, S., Hoffman, Y., Bodner, E.., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2019). Understanding the long-term connections between posttraumatic stress, subjective age and successful aging among midlife and older adults. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10, 1583523. https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2019.1583523
- Bergman, Y. S., Bodner, E.., & Shrira, A. (2018). Subjective nearness to death and end-of-life anxieties: the moderating role of ageism. Aging and Mental Health, 22, 678-685. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2017.1286459
- Bergman, Y.S., Bodner, E.., & Haber, Y. (2018). The connection between subjective nearness-to-death and depressive symptoms: The mediating role of meaning in life. Psychiatry Research, 261, 269-273. https://doi.org/10.2016/j.psychres.2017.12.078
- Bodner, E.., Hoffman, Y., Palgi, Y., & Shrira, A. (2018). A light in a sea of darkness: The moderating role of emotional complexity in the PTSD symptoms-successful aging association. Aging and Mental Health, 22, 826-833. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2017.1317332
- Gum, A. M., Segal-Karpas, D., Avidor, S., Ayalon, L., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2018). Grip strength and quality of life in the second half of life: hope as a moderator. Aging & Mental Health, 22(12), 1600-1605. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2017.1383972
- Levi-Belz, Y., Krispin, O., Galilee, G., Bodner, E., & Apter, A. (2018). Where are they now? Longitudinal follow-up and prognosis of adolescent suicide attempters. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 39, 119–126. https://doi.org/10.1027/0227-5910/a000482
- Marom, M. K., Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. (2018). Musical features and interactional functions of echolalia in children with autism within the music therapy dyad. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 27(3), 175-196. https://doi.org/10.1080/08098131.2017.1403948
- Palgi, Y., Avidor, S., Shrira, A., Bodner, E.., Ben-Ezra, M., Zaslavsky, O., & Hoffman, Y. (2018). Perception counts: The relationships of inner perceptions of trauma and PTSD symptoms across time. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 81, 361-375. https://doi.org/10.1080/00332747.2018.1485370
- Palgi, Y., Ayalon, L., Avidor, S., Segel-Karpas, D., & Bodner, E. (2018). On the edge: The association between extreme values of proportional felt-age and functioning. Psychiatry Research, 270, 538-543. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2018.10.035
- Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Hoffman, Y., Avidor, S., Bodner, E., Ben-Ezra, M., & Bensimon, M. (2018). Subjective age as a moderator in the reciprocal effects between posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and self-rated physical functioning. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1746. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01746
- Avidor, S., Ayalon, L., Palgi, Y., & Bodner, E. (2017). Longitudinal associations between perceived age discrimination and subjective well-being: variations by age and subjective life expectancy. Aging & Mental Health, 21(7), 761-765. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2016.1156050
- Bensimon, M., Bodner, E.., & Shrira, A. (2017). The emotional impact of national music on younger and older adults with posttraumatic stress symptoms. Aging and Mental Health, 21, 1090-1098. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2016.1196338
- Grossman, E. S., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E. (2017). Enduring sleep complaints predict health problems: a six-year follow-up of the Survey of Health and Retirement in Europe. Aging and Mental Health, 21, 1155-1163. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2016.1209735
- Bodner, E., Ayalon, L., Avidor, S., & Palgi, Y. (2017). Accelerated increase and relative decrease in subjective age and changes in attitudes toward own aging over a 4-year period: Results from the Health and Retirement Study. European Journal of Ageing, 14(1), 17-27. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10433-016-0383-2
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Bodner, E.., & Ben-Ezra, M. (2017). Prime and prejudice: the effect of priming context and prejudicial attitudes on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following immigrant violence. Psychiatry Research, 254, 224-231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2017.04.061
- Palgi, Y., Ayalon, L., Avidor, S., & Bodner, E. (2017). Changes in positive and negative affect as predictors of change in felt age: Results from the Health and Retirement Study. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 12, 605-612. https://doi.org/10.1080/17439760.2016.1221121
- Palgi, Y., Bensimon, M., & Bodner, E. (2017). Motives of mentalization among older adults exposed in adulthood to potentially traumatic life events: A qualitative exploration. Traumatology, 23(4), 273-281. https://doi.org/10.1037/trm0000113
- Lifshitz-Vahav, H., Shrira, A., & Bodner, E.. (2017). The reciprocal relationship between participation in leisure activities and cognitive functioning: The moderating effect of literacy level. Aging and Mental Health, 21, 524-531. https://doi.org/10.1080/13607863.2015.1124838
- Shrira, A., Ayalon, L., Bensimon, M., Bodner, E.., Rosenbloom, T., & Yadid, Y. (2017). Parental post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms are related to successful aging in offspring of Holocaust survivors. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. 1099. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01099
- Shrira, A., Shmotkin, D., Palgi, Y., Hoffman, Y., Bodner, E.., Ben-Ezra, M., & Litwin, H. (2017). Older adults exposed to ongoing versus intense time-limited missile attacks: Differences in symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 80, 64-78. https://doi.org/10.1080/00332747.2016.1178028
- Bodner, E.., & Bergman, Y.S. (2017). The power of national music in reducing prejudice and enhancing theory of mind among Jews and Arabs in Israel. Psychology of Music, 45(1), 36-48. https://doi.org/10.1177/0305735616640599
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2016). Positivity ratio of flourishing individuals: Examining the moderation effects of methodological variations and chronological age. Journal of Positive Psychology, 11, 109-123.
- Bodner, E., & Bergman, Y. S. (2016). Loneliness and depressive symptoms among older adults: the moderating role of subjective life expectancy. Psychiatry Research, 237, 78-82.
- Ayalon, L., Palgi, Y., Avidor, S., & Bodner, E. (2016). Accelerated increase and decrease in subjective age as a function of changes in loneliness and objective social indicators over a four-year period: Results from the Health and Retirement Study. Psychiatry Research, 20, 743-751.
- Bodner, E., & Bensimon, M. (2016). The impact of disfavoured music on affect complexity in young adults. Psychology of Music, 44 (4), 864-879.
- Bodner, E., & Assa Polansky, E. (2016). The attitudes of music therapy students and professionals regarding the emotional valence of improvisations in music therapy. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25(3), 273-295.
- Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Ben-Ezra, M., Hoffman, Y., & Bodner, E. (2016). A youthful age identity mitigates the effect of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms on successful aging. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24, 174-175.
- Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Bodner, E., & Shmotkin, D. (2016). Which category of lifetime adversity accelerates physical impairment among Israeli older adults? European Journal of Ageing, 13 (4), 323-334.
- Shrira, A., Shmotkin, D., Palgi, Y., Hoffman, Y., Bodner, E., Ben-Ezra, M., & Litwin, H. (2016). Older adults exposed to ongoing and intense time-limited missile attacks: Differences in symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry: interpersonal and biological processes, 80(1), 64-78.
- Hoffman, Y., Fridel, S., Bodner, E., Grossman, E., & Shrira, A. (2016). Confidence in the" Iron Dome" missile defense system combined with a sense of resilience reduced the effect of exposure on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms after missile attacks. The Journal of clinical psychiatry, 77 (3), 407-408.
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Cohen-Fridel, S., Grossman, E. S., & Bodner, E. (2016). Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms as a function of the interactive effect of subjective age and subjective nearness to death. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 245-251.
- Hoffman, Y., Shrira, A., Cohen-Fridel, S., Grossman, E. S., & Bodner, E. (2016). The effect of exposure to missile attacks on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms as a function of perceived media control and locus of control. Psychiatry Research, 244, 51-56.
- Grossman, E. S., Hoffman, Y., Bodner, E., Palgi, Y., Gottlieb, M., Mesika, O., Ben-Ezra, M., & Shrira, A. (2016). Psychological effects following the Iran nuclear deal: Iranian nuclear threat salience moderates the relationship between PTSD symptoms and sleep problems. Psychiatry Research, 243, 292-294.
- Shifriss, R., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2015). When you're down and troubled: Views on the regulatory power of music. Psychology of Music, 43, 793-807.
- Iancu, I., Bodner, E., Joubran, S., Ben Zion, I., & Ram, E. (2015). Why not the best? Social anxiety symptoms and perfectionism among Israeli Jews and Arabs: A comparative study. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 59, 33-44.
- Iancu, I., Bodner, E., & Ben Zion, I. (2015). Self-esteem, dependency, self-efficacy and self-criticism in Social Anxiety Disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 58, 165-171.
- Bodner, E., Fridel, S., Mashiah, M., Segal, M., Grinshpoon, A., Fischel, A., & Iancu, I. (2015). The attitudes of psychiatric hospital staff toward hospitalization and treatment of patients with borderline personality disorder. BMC Psychiatry, 15, 1-12.
- Bergman, Y. S., & Bodner, E. (2015). Ageist attitudes block young adults' ability for compassion toward incapacitated older adults. International Psychogeriatrics, 27, 1541-1550.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Bergman, Y. S., & Fridel, S. (2015). Anxieties about aging and death and psychological distress: The protective role of emotional complexity. Personality and Individual Differences, 83, 91-96.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Bergman, Y. S., Fridel, S., & Grossman, E. S. (2015). The interaction between aging and death anxieties predicts ageism. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 15-19.
- Bodner, E., Shrira, A., Hermesh, H. .., Ben-Ezra, M., & Iancu, I. (2015). Psychiatrists׳ fear of death is associated with negative emotions toward borderline personality disorder patients. Psychiatry Research, 228, 963-965.
- Iancu, E, Bodner, E., & Kottler, M. (2015). Attrition in mental health clinics in Israel: Rates, characteristics and directions for progress. European Psychiatry, 30, 28-31.
- Bodner, E., & Cohen-Fridel, S. (2014). The paths leading from attachment to ageism. Death Studies, 38, 423-429.
- Ayalon, L., Doron, I., Bodner, E., & Inbar, N. (2014). Macro-and micro-level predictors of age categorization: results from the European Social Survey. European Journal of Ageing, 11, 5-18.
- Bodner, E., Bergman, Y. S., & Fridel, S. (2014). Do attachment styles affect the presence and search for meaning in life? Journal of Happiness Studies, 15, 1041-1059.
- Bodner, E. (2014). Emotion recognition in improvised music: The case of the multicultural Israeli society. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 618-627.
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2014). The interactive effect of subjective age and subjective distance-to-death on psychological distress of older adults. Aging and Mental Health, 18, 1066-1070.
- Shrira, A., Bodner, E., & Palgi, Y. (2014). Emotional complexity and its effect on psychological distress as a function of chronological age and subjective distance-to-death. Aging and Mental Health, 19, 1056-1062.
- Shrira, A., Hoffman, Y., & Bodner, E. (2014). Older adults with prejudicial attitudes report higher posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms following exposure to African refugees' violence. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 22, 53-53.
- Bodner, E. (2014). Problem music and its different shades over its fans. Psychology of Music, 43, 614-660.
- Iancu, I., Bodner, E., Lupinsky, Y., & Barenboim, D. (2014). Negative and positive automatic thoughts in social anxiety disorder. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 52, 129-135.
- Bodner, E., & Iancu, I. (2013). Recalling the threat: Dental anxiety in patients waiting for dental surgery. Israli Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 50(1), 61-67.
- Bergman, Y. S., Bodner, E., & Fridel, S. (2013). Cross-cultural ageism: Ageism and attitudes toward aging among Jews and Arabs in Israel. International Psychogeriatrics, 25, 6-15.
- Bodner, E., & Fardkin, D. (2013). Tearful oriental songs and the role they play among adolescents. Psychology of Music, 41, 329-349.
- Amir, D., & Bodner, E. (2013). Music therapy students' reflections on their participation in a music therapy group. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 22, 243-273.
- Eliakim, M., Bodner, E., Eliakim, A., & Meckel, Y. (2012). Effect of motivational music on lactate levels during recovery from intense exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 26, 80-86.
- Bodner, E., Bergman, Y., & Fridel, S. (2012). Different dimensions of ageist attitudes among men and women: a multigenerational perspective. International Psychogeriatrics, 24, 895-901.
- Fässberg, M. M., Van Orden, K., Duberstein, P., Erlangsen, A., Lapierre, S., Bodner, E., Canetto, S. S., De Leo, D., Szanto, K., & Wærn, M. (2012). A systematic review of social factors and suicidal behavior in older adulthood. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 9, 722-745.
- Bensimon, M., & Bodner, E. (2012). Does the age of offenders and victims in crime scenarios affect perceptions of crime seriousness and punitiveness among students? Violence and Victims, 27, 344-359.
- Eliakim, M., Bodner, E., Meckel, Y., Eliakim, A., & Nemet, D. (2012). Effect of rhythm on the recovery from intense exercise. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 27, 1019-1024.Bodner, E., Aharoni, R., & Iancu, I. (2012). The effect of training with music on happiness recognition in Social Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 34, 458-466.
- Iancu, I., Bodner, E., & Ram , E. (2012). Social anxiety and perfectionism among israeli jews and arabs: A comparative study. European Psychiatry, 27, 428-428.
- Bodner, E., Palgi, Y., & Kaveh, D. (2012). Does the Relationship Between Affect Complexity and Self-Esteem Differ in Young-Old and Old-Old Participants? Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 68, 665-673.
- Bodner, E., Fridel, S., & Iancu, I. (2011). Staff attitudes toward patients with borderline personality disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 52, 548-555.
- Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., Ben-Ezra, M., Fridel, S., & Bodner, E. (2011). The relationships between daily optimism, daily pessimism, and affect differ in young and old age. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1294-1299.
- Bensimon, M., & Bodner, E. (2011). Playing With Fire: The Impact of Football Game Chanting on Level of Aggression1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 2421-2433.
- Bodner, E., Fridel, S., & Yaretzky, A. (2011). Sheltered housing or community dwelling: Quality of life and ageism among elderly people. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 1197-1204.
- Bodner, E. (2011). The origins of ageism among younger and older adults. Gerontology, 38, 19-40 (In Hebrew).
- Bodner, E., Iancu, I., Sarel, A., & Gilath, O. (2010). The relationship between type of insurance, time period and length of stay in psychiatric hospitals: The Israeli case. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 47, 284-291
- Bodner, E. (2010). Impulsivity, Aggression and Suicide Risk among Male Schizophrenia Patients. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 43, 223-229.
- Bodner, E., & Fridel, S. (2010). Relations between attachment styles, ageism and quality of life in late life. International Psychogeriatrics, 22, 1353-1362.
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- Gilboa, A., & Bodner, E. (2009). What are your thoughts when the national anthem is playing? An empirical exploration. Psychology of Music, 37, 459-484.
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- Bodner, E., & Gilboa, A. (2009). On the power of music to affect intergroup relations. Musicae Scientiae: the journal of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 13, 85-115
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- Bodner, E., & Lazar, A. (2008). Ageism among Israeli students: structure and demographic influences. International Psychogeriatrics, 59, 329-330.
- Bodner, E., & Bensimon, M. (2008). After the curtain falls: on the post-performance adjustment of solo singers. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 23, 172-177.
- Bodner, E., Gilboa, A., & Amir, D. (2007). The unexpected side-effects of dissonance. Psychology of Music, 35, 286-305.
- Bodner, E., Gilboa, A., & Amir, D. (2007). Finding words for emotions: The reactions of patients with major depressive disorder towards various musical excerpts. Arts in Psychotherapy, 34, 142-150.
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- Barak, Y., Lampel, Y., Bodner, E., & Sarova-Pinchas, I. (1999). Perception of body esteem following stroke. Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 13, 1-3.
- Mark, M., Abramowitz, M. Z., Intrator, O., Bodner, E., Shklar, R., & Knobler, H. Y. (1999). Quality assurance in the mental health department of the Israel Defense Forces. Journal of Neurologic Rehabilitation, 13, 349-352.
- Bodner, E., & Mikulincer, M. (1998). Learned helplessness and the occurrence of depressive-like and paranoid-like responses: The role of attentional focus. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 74, 1010-1023.
- Barak, Y., Kimhi, R., Bodner, E., & Achiron, E. (1998). Treatment of depression in patients with Multiple Sclerosis. Neurologist, 4, 99-104
- Barak, Y., Bodner, E., Achiron, A., Ring, A., & Stier, S. (1997). Perceptual conformity in schizophrenic patients: A comparative study with healthy controls. Psychologia, 5, 161-166 (In Hebrew).
- Bodner, E., & Barak, Y. (1995). Visual perception in schizophrenic patients. European Psychiatry, 10, 320-320.
- Adler, J., Bodner, E., Stein, S. B., Goldfarb, J., Engelhard, D., Naparstek, J., ... & Weiler, D. (1981). Medical mission to a refugee camp in Thailand. Disasters, 5(1), 23-31.
Chapters in books
- Cohen, S., Bodner, E., & Shrira, A. (in press). An interpersonal approach to subjective views of aging. In Y. Palgi, A. Shrira, & M. Diehl (Eds.), Subjective views of aging: Theory, research, and practice. Springer.
- Bodner, E., Palgi, Y., & Wyman, W.F. (2018). Ageism in Mental Health Assessment and Treatment of Older Adults.. In Ayalon, L., & Tesch-Römer C (Eds.). Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism. (Vol. 19, pp. 241-262). Cham: Springer.
- Voss, V., Bodner, E., & Rothermund, K. (2018). Age stereotypes as determinants of age discrimination: A truism?. In Ayalon, L (Eds.). Contemporary Perspectives on Ageism. (Vol. 1, pp. 11-31). Cham: Springer.
- Bodner, E. (2017). Cross Cultural Differences in Ageism.. In Nelson, T.D (Eds.). Ageism: Stereotyping and Prejudice against Older Persons (pp. 291-322). Massachusetts.: The MIT Press.
- Bodner, E. (2015). Practical Gerontology: A Professional Overview of Working with Older Adults. In Bodner, E (Eds.). The utilization of hypnosis, relaxation and mindfulness meditation in the treatment of older adults (pp. 77-106). Eshel Publication (In Hebrew).
- Bodner, E. (2013). Ageist attitudes among younger adults in Israel. In Bodner, E (Eds.). Ageism in Israel (pp. 132-152). Vanleer Jerusalem Institute (In Hebrew).
- Fradkin, D., & Bodner, E. (2012). Characteristics of the Oriental "tearful songs" ("Shirey dikaon") and the role they play among adolescents. In Amir, D., & Elefant, C (Eds.). Will You Hear My Voice: Innovative Studies in Music Therapy . Kiryat Bialik: Ach Press (In Hebrew).
- Iancu, I., & Bodner, E. (2008). Smoking and suicide: another concern in women's mental health. In Bodner, E (Eds.). Smoking and women's health research (pp. 199-215). Nova Publishers.
- Bodner, E., & Iancu, I. (2008). An Integrative Perspective Over Dissociation and Eating Disorders in Women. In Bodner, E (Eds.). Eating Disorders in Adult Women (pp. 95-112). Nova Publishers.
- Bodner, E. (2008). Soldier suicides: a victimological perspective. In Bodner, E (Eds.). Trends and Issues in Victimology (pp. 264-282). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Submitted following Revision
Under Revision (following a request to revise and resubmit)
- Bergman, Y.S., & Bodner, E. Aging anxiety and depressive symptoms among older adults: The moderating roles of self-esteem and meaning in life.
Under Review
- Bergman, Y. S., Segel-Karpas, D., Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., Koren, E., & Bodner, E. Subjective accelerated aging and loneliness among older couples during COVID-19: An Actor-Partner Interdependence Model.
- Bachman, N., Palgi, Y., Segel-Karpas, D., & Bodner, E. Positive Solitude among older adults - laboratory intervention
- Bachman, N., Palgi, Y., & Bodner, E. The Contribution of Emotion Regulation through Music Listening, Mindfulness and their Interaction with Positive Solitude at the Second Half of Life.
Under preparation
- Sulem, A., Bodner, E.., Sawicki, A. Preventing Delirium in hospitalized older patients at the Internal Medical department using a VR intervention.
- Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Heyman, N., Zaslavsky, O., & Bodner, E. A microlongitudinal assessment of subjective age and mental health during rehabilitation following acute medical conditions.
- Lital-Gvili, Rachel, Bodner, E., Bergman, Y. S. Dust in the Wind: Attitudes toward Old Songs in Younger and Older Adults predict ageism.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 06/02/2025